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- Thứ hai - 27/09/2021 08:15
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Cục Thông tin KH&CN Quốc gia trân trọng kính gửi đến các nhà khoa học những nghiên cứu mới nhất về Artificial intelligence trên thế giới bao gồm những bài viết đã được xuất bản chính thức và các bài viết được chấp nhận đăng trên những cơ sở dữ liệu học thuật chính thống năm 2021.
IEEE Xplore Digital Library
1. Sketching an AI Marketplace: Tech, Economic, and Regulatory Aspects
Abhishek Kumar;Benjamin Finley;Tristan Braud;Sasu Tarkoma;Pan Hui
IEEE Access
Year: 2021 | Volume: 9 | Journal Article | Publisher: IEEE
2. Multi-agent modeling and simulation in the AI age
Wenhui Fan;Peiyu Chen;Daiming Shi;Xudong Guo;Li Kou
Tsinghua Science and Technology
Year: 2021 | Volume: 26, Issue: 5 | Journal Article | Publisher: TUP
3. True-data testbed for 5G/B5G intelligent network
Yongming Huang;Shengheng Liu;Cheng Zhang;Xiaohu You;Hequan Wu
Intelligent and Converged Networks
Year: 2021 | Volume: 2, Issue: 2 | Journal Article | Publisher: TUP
4. Artificial Intelligence for UAV-Enabled Wireless Networks: A Survey
Mohamed-Amine Lahmeri;Mustafa A. Kishk;Mohamed-Slim Alouini
IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society
Year: 2021 | Volume: 2 | Journal Article | Publisher: IEEE
5. Emotional Deep Learning Programming Controller for Automatic Voltage Control of Power Systems
Linfei Yin;Chenwei Zhang;Yaoxiong Wang;Fang Gao;Jun Yu;Lefeng Cheng
IEEE Access
Year: 2021 | Volume: 9 | Journal Article | Publisher: IEEE
6. Retail Electricity Pricing Strategy via an Artificial Neural Network-Based Demand Response Model of an Energy Storage System
Hyun-Kyeong Hwang;Ah-Yun Yoon;Hyun-Koo Kang;Seung-Il Moon
IEEE Access
Year: 2021 | Volume: 9 | Journal Article | Publisher: IEEE
7. Gas Path Fault Diagnosis of Gas Turbine Engine Based on Knowledge Data-Driven Artificial Intelligence Algorithm
Yaofei Jin;Yulong Ying;Jingchao Li;Hongyu Zhou
IEEE Access
Year: 2021 | Volume: 9 | Journal Article | Publisher: IEEE
8. Teaching Machine Learning in K–12 Classroom: Pedagogical and Technological Trajectories for Artificial Intelligence Education
Matti Tedre;Tapani Toivonen;Juho Kahila;Henriikka Vartiainen;Teemu Valtonen;Ilkka Jormanainen;Arnold Pears
IEEE Access
Year: 2021 | Volume: 9 | Journal Article | Publisher: IEEE
9. Exploring the Use of Artificial Intelligence Techniques to Detect the Presence of Coronavirus Covid-19 Through Speech and Voice Analysis
Laura Verde;Giuseppe De Pietro;Ahmed Ghoneim;Mubarak Alrashoud;Khaled N. Al-Mutib;Giovanna Sannino
IEEE Access
Year: 2021 | Volume: 9 | Journal Article | Publisher: IEEE
10. oneVFC—A Vehicular Fog Computation Platform for Artifical Intelligence in internet of vehicles
Kieu-Ha Phung;Hieu Tran;Thang Nguyen;Hung V. Dao;Vinh Tran-Quang;Thu-Huong Truong;An Braeken;Kris Steenhaut
IEEE Access
Year: 2021 | Volume: 9 | Journal Article | Publisher: IEEE
11. A Review on Representative Swarm Intelligence Algorithms for Solving Optimization Problems: Applications and Trends
Jun Tang;Gang Liu;Qingtao Pan
IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica
Year: 2021 | Volume: 8, Issue: 10 | Journal Article | Publisher: IEEE
1. Artificial intelligence in biliopancreatic endoscopy: Is there any role?
Best Practice & Research Clinical Gastroenterology, 29 December 2020, Volumes 52–53 (Cover date: June–August 2021), Article 101724
Omer F. Ahmad, Pauline Stassen, George J. Webster
2. An artificial intelligence–enabled ECG algorithm for comprehensive ECG interpretation: Can it pass the ‘Turing test’?
Cardiovascular Digital Health Journal, 5 May 2021, Volume 2, Issue 3 (Cover date: June 2021), Pages 164-170
Anthony H. Kashou, Siva K. Mulpuru, Peter A. Noseworthy
3. Construction of cultural industry development factor model based on factor analysis, artificial intelligence and big data
Microprocessors and Microsystems, 7 January 2021, Volume 82 (Cover date: April 2021), Article 103880
Qin Wei, Lin Qingna
4. Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning in Respiratory Medicine and Potential Role in Asthma and COPD Diagnosis
The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: In Practice, 19 February 2021, Volume 9, Issue 6 (Cover date: June 2021), Pages 2255-2261
Alan Kaplan, Hui Cao, Paul Mastoridis
5. Application of the artificial intelligence GANNATS model in forecasting crude oil demand for Saudi Arabia and China
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 9 January 2021, Volume 200 (Cover date: May 2021), Article 108368
Saud M. Al-Fattah
6. AIBFT: Artificial Intelligence Browser Forensic Toolkit
Forensic Science International: Digital Investigation, 7 November 2020, Volume 36 (Cover date: March 2021), Article 301091
Hyunmin KimIn, Seok Kim, Kyounggon Kim
7. Evaluation of an artificial intelligence literacy course for university students with diverse study backgrounds
Computers and Education: Artificial Intelligence, 10 June 2021, Volume 2 (Cover date: 2021), Article 100026
Siu-Cheung Kong, William Man-Yin Cheungm Guo Zhang
8. Harnessing artificial intelligence to holistic design and identification for solid electrolytes
Nano Energym 14 July 2021m Volume 89, Part A (Cover date: November 2021)m Article 106337
Zhilong Wangm Xirong Lin, Jinjin Li
9. Evaluation of artificial intelligence models for flood and drought forecasting in arid and tropical regions
Environmental Modelling & Software, 16 July 2021, Volume 144 (Cover date: October 2021), Article 105136
Kasuni E. Adikari, Sangam Shrestha, Matthew N. Dailey
10. Colorectal polyp characterization with endocytoscopy: Ready for widespread implementation with artificial intelligence?
Best Practice & Research Clinical Gastroenterology, 18 December 2020, Volumes 52–53 (Cover date: June–August 2021), Article 101721
Ishita Barua, Yuichi Mori, Michael Bretthauer
11. Artificial-intelligence-based algorithms in multi-access edge computing for the performance optimization control of a benchmark microgrid
Physical Communication, 17 November 2020, Volume 44 (Cover date: February 2021), Article 101240
Tie Li, Junyou Yang, Dai Cui
12. Artificial intelligence in stroke imaging: Current and future perspectives
Clinical Imaging, 21 September 2020, Volume 69 (Cover date: January 2021), Pages 246-254
Vivek S. Yedavalli, Elizabeth Tong, Nils D. Forkert
13. Optimal sepsis patient treatment using human-in-the-loop artificial intelligence
Expert Systems with Applications, 17 December 2020, Volume 169 (Cover date: 1 May 2021), Article 114476
Akash Gupta, Michael T. Lash, Senthil K. Nachimuthu
1. A smart learning ecosystem design for delivering Data-driven Thinking in STEM education
Francisco Benita, Darshan Virupaksha, Erik Wilhelm… in Smart Learning Environments (2021)
2. The Impact of Encoding and Transport for Massive Real-time IoT Data on Edge Resource Consumption
Francesco Tusa, Stuart Clayman in Journal of Grid Computing (2021)
3. Noise reduction for radio map crowdsourcing building in WLAN indoor localization system
Liye Zhang, Zhuang Wang, Xiaoliang Meng… in EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Proc… (2021)
4. D2D NOMA Groupcast in 5G Heterogeneous Networks
Rafael Kaliski in SN Computer Science (2021)
5. Real-time intelligent image processing for the internet of things
Mu-Yen Chen, Hsin-Te Wu in Journal of Real-Time Image Processing (2021)
6. Social media analytics of the Internet of Things
Jim A. Scheibmeir, Yashwant K. Malaiya in Discover Internet of Things (2021)
7. Investigation into the effect of data reduction in offloadable task for distributed IoT-fog-cloud computing
Nweso Emmanuel Nwogbaga, Rohaya Latip, Lilly Suriani Affendey… in Journal of Cloud Computing (2021)
8. Deterministic cooperative hybrid ring-mesh network coding for big data transmission over lossy channels in 5G networks
Hani H. Attar, Ahmad A. A. Solyman… in EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking (2021)
1. Application of Artificial Intelligence Technology in Electrical Automation Control
Yin, Pengzhi. Journal of Physics: Conference Series; Bristol Vol. 1915, Iss. 4, (May 2021).
2. Artificial‐Intelligence‐Enabled Reagent‐Free Imaging Hematology Analyzer
Shu, Xin; Sansare, Sameera; Jin, Di; Zeng, Xiangxiang; Kai-Yu, Tong; et al. Advanced Intelligent Systems; Weinheim Vol. 3, Iss. 8, (Aug 2021).
3. Piezotronics enabled artificial intelligence systems
Hua, Qilin; Cui, Xiao; Ji, Keyu; Wang, Bingjun; Hu, Weiguo. JPhys Materials; Bristol Vol. 4, Iss. 2, (Apr 2021).
4. Artificial Intelligence in Cyber Security
Das, Rammanohar; Sandhane, Raghav. Journal of Physics: Conference Series; Bristol Vol. 1964, Iss. 4, (Jul 2021).
5. Artificial Intelligence in Process Engineering
Thon, Christoph; Finke, Benedikt; Kwade, Arno; Schilde, Carsten. Advanced Intelligent Systems; Weinheim Vol. 3, Iss. 6, (Jun 2021).
6. Security Framework of Artificial Intelligence System
Yu, Rong. Journal of Physics: Conference Series; Bristol Vol. 1927, Iss. 1, (May 2021).
7. Artificial Intelligence at Present and Tomorrow
Gorodetsky, V; Yusupov, R. Journal of Physics: Conference Series; Bristol Vol. 1864, Iss. 1, (May 2021).
8. Artificial intelligence as an instrument against social engineering
Britvina, V V; Musatova, D A; Altoukhov, A V; Zueva, A S; Sorokin, A Y. Journal of Physics: Conference Series; Bristol Vol. 2001, Iss. 1, (Aug 2021).
9. PapSmear Image Recording System for Artificial Intelligence Data Collection
Tjeng Wawan Cenggoro; Bens Pardamean. IOP Conference Series. Earth and Environmental Science; Bristol Vol. 794, Iss. 1, (Jul 2021).
10. Mental Stress Detection Using Artificial Intelligence Models
Dham, Vishal; Rai, Kirtiman; Soni, Umang. Journal of Physics: Conference Series; Bristol Vol. 1950, Iss. 1, (Aug 2021).
Theo Cục Thông tin KH&CN Quốc gia, 27/9/2021