Các bài nghiên cứu mới về Trí tuệ nhân tạo hay trí thông minh nhân tạo (Artificial intelligence - viết tắt là AI)
- Thứ tư - 01/09/2021 00:03
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Cục Thông tin KH&CN Quốc gia trân trọng kính gửi đến các nhà khoa học những nghiên cứu mới nhất về Artificial intelligence trên thế giới bao gồm những bài viết đã được xuất bản chính thức và các bài viết được chấp nhận đăng trên những cơ sở dữ liệu học thuật chính thống năm 2021.
IEEE Xplore Digital Library
1. Adaptive Intrusion Detection in the Networking of Large-Scale LANs With Segmented Federated Learning
Yuwei Sun; Hiroshi Esaki; Hideya Ochiai
IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society
Year: 2021 | Volume: 2 | Journal Article | Publisher: IEEE
2. Improving the Performance of Charge Trapping Memtransistor as Synaptic Device by Ti-Doped HfO2
Yu-Che Chou; Wan-Hsuan Chung; Chien-Wei Tsai; Chin-Ya Yi; Chao-Hsin Chien
IEEE Journal of the Electron Devices Society
Year: 2021 | Volume: 9 | Journal Article | Publisher: IEEE
3. Adaptation Algorithms for Neural Network-Based Speech Recognition: An Overview
Peter Bell; Joachim Fainberg; Ondrej Klejch; Jinyu Li; Steve Renals; Pawel Swietojanski
IEEE Open Journal of Signal Processing
Year: 2021 | Volume: 2 | Journal Article | Publisher: IEEE
4. Contactless Palm Vein Authentication Using Deep Learning With Bayesian Optimization
Marwa Ismael Obayya; Mohammed El-Ghandour; Fadwa Alrowais
IEEE Access
Year: 2021 | Volume: 9 | Journal Article | Publisher: IEEE
5. Deep Learning-Based Channel Estimation for Massive MIMO Systems With Pilot Contamination
Hiroki Hirose; Tomoaki Ohtsuki; Guan Gui
IEEE Open Journal of Vehicular Technology
Year: 2021 | Volume: 2 | Journal Article | Publisher: IEEE
6. Automatic Deep Learning Semantic Segmentation of Ultrasound Thyroid Cineclips Using Recurrent Fully Convolutional Networks
Jeremy M. Webb; Duane D. Meixner; Shaheeda A. Adusei; Eric C. Polley;Mostafa Fatemi; Azra Alizad
IEEE Access
Year: 2021 | Volume: 9 | Journal Article | Publisher: IEEE
7. Deep Learning in Forest Structural Parameter Estimation Using Airborne LiDAR Data
Hao Liu;Xin Shen; Lin Cao; Ting Yun; Zhengnan Zhang; Xiaoyao Fu; Xinxin Chen; Fangzhou Liu
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing
Year: 2021 | Volume: 14 | Journal Article | Publisher: IEEE
1. Intelligent recruitment: How to identify, select, and retain talents from around the world using artificial intelligence
Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 30 April 2021, Volume 169 (Cover date: August 2021), Article 120822
Oihab Allal-Chérif, Alba Yela Aránega, Rafael Castaño Sánchez
2. Perceptions of artificial intelligence: A survey of academic librarians in Canada and the United States
The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 17 November 2020, Volume 47, Issue 1 (Cover date: January 2021), Article 102270
Sandy Hervieux, Amanda Wheatley
3. Educational management system of colleges and universities based on embedded system and artificial intelligence
Microprocessors and Microsystems, 7 January 2021, Volume 82 (Cover date: April 2021), Article 103884
Yashu Wang
4. Notions of explainability and evaluation approaches for explainable artificial intelligence
Information Fusion, 25 May 2021, Volume 76 (Cover date: December 2021), Pages 89-106
Giulia Vilone, Luca Longo
5. Use of Artificial Intelligence algorithms for hodoscope measurement interpretations
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 27 May 2021, Volume 1010 (Cover date: 11 September 2021), Article 165432
S. Mirotta, P. Querre, T. Gerbaud
6. Accurately predicting dynamic modulus of asphalt mixtures in low-temperature regions using hybrid artificial intelligence model
Construction and Building Materials, 3 June 2021, Volume 297 (Cover date: 23 August 2021), Article 123655
Jiandong Huang, G. Shiva Kumar, Yuantian Sun
7. Artificial intelligence for breast ultrasound: An adjunct tool to reduce excessive lesion biopsy
European Journal of Radiology, 4 March 2021, Volume 138 (Cover date: May 2021), Article 109624
Xin-Yi Wang, Li-Gang Cui, Wen Chen
8. Public and private value creation using artificial intelligence: An empirical study of AI voice robot users in Chinese public sector
International Journal of Information Management, 9 August 2021, Volume 61 (Cover date: December 2021), Article 102401
Changlin Wang, Thompson S. H. Teo, Marijn Janssen
9. Exploring the technology emergence related to artificial intelligence: A perspective of coupling analyses
Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 31 July 2021, Volume 172 (Cover date: November 2021), Article 121064
Munan Li, Wenshu Wang, Keyu Zhou
10. Cytoplasmic movements of the early human embryo: imaging and artificial intelligence to predict blastocyst development
Reproductive BioMedicine Online, 24 December 2020, Volume 42, Issue 3 (Cover date: March 2021), Pages 521-528
Giovanni Coticchio, Giulia Fiorentino, Maurizio Zuccotti
11. The role of epistemic communities in the “constitutionalization” of internet governance: The example of the European Commission High-Level Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence
Telecommunications Policy, 3 April 2021, Volume 45, Issue 6 (Cover date: July 2021), Article 102149
Nicola Palladino
12. Comparison of multi-criteria and artificial intelligence models for land-subsidence susceptibility zonation
Journal of Environmental Management, 5 February 2021, Volume 284 (Cover date: 15 April 2021), Article 112067
Alireza Arabameri, Subodh Chandra Pal, Phuong Thao Thi Ngo
13. A large-scale comparison of Artificial Intelligence and Data Mining (AI&DM) techniques in simulating reservoir releases over the Upper Colorado Region
Journal of Hydrology, 26 July 2021, Volume 602 (Cover date: November 2021), Article 126723
Tiantian Yang, Lujun Zhang, Qidong Peng
14. Taking the leap between analytical chemistry and artificial intelligence: A tutorial review
Analytica Chimica Acta, 15 March 2021, Volume 1161 (Cover date: 29 May 2021), Article 338403
Lucas B. Ayres, Federico J. V. Gomez, Carlos D. Garcia
15. Artificial intelligence as a service: Legal responsibilities, liabilities, and policy challenges
Computer Law & Security Review, 9 August 2021, Volume 42 (Cover date: September 2021), Article 105573
Jennifer Cobbe, Jatinder Singh
16. A new acceptance model for artificial intelligence with extensions to UTAUT2: An empirical study in three segments of application
Technology in Society, 25 March 2021, Volume 65 (Cover date: May 2021), Article 101535
Oliver Alexander Gansser, Christina Stefanie Reich
17. The role of explainability in creating trustworthy artificial intelligence for health care: A comprehensive survey of the terminology, design choices, and evaluation strategies
Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 10 December 2020, Volume 113 (Cover date: January 2021), Article 103655
Aniek F. Markus, Jan A. Kors, Peter R. Rijnbeek
18. Do clinical and paraclinical findings have the power to predict critical conditions of injured patients after traumatic injury resuscitation? Using data mining artificial intelligence
Chinese Journal of Traumatology, 24 November 2020, Volume 24, Issue 1 (Cover date: February 2021), Pages 48-52
Shahram Paydar, Elahe Parva, Golnar Sabetian
19. Ethics and privacy of artificial intelligence: Understandings from bibliometrics
Knowledge-Based Systems, 2 April 2021, Volume 222 (Cover date: 21 June 2021), Article 106994
Yi Zhang, Mengjia Wu, Jie Lu
20. Implications of the use of artificial intelligence in public governance: A systematic literature review and a research agenda
Government Information Quarterly, 23 March 2021, Volume 38, Issue 3 (Cover date: July 2021), Article 101577
Anneke Zuiderwijk, Yu-Che Chen, Fadi Salem
21. How Artificial Intelligence affords digital innovation: A cross-case analysis of Scandinavian companies
Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 7 August 2021, Volume 173 (Cover date: December 2021), Article 121081
Cristina TrocinIngrid Våge Hovland, Christian Dremel
22. Artificial intelligence in ultrasound
European Journal of Radiology, 12 April 2021, Volume 139 (Cover date: June 2021), Article 109717
Yu-Ting Shen, Liang Chen, Hui-Xiong Xu
23. Artificial intelligence in critical care: Its about time!
Medical Journal Armed Forces India, 18 March 2021, Volume 77, Issue 3 (Cover date: July 2021), Pages 266-275
Rashmi Datta, Shalendra Singh
24. Artificial Intelligence in Imaging of Chronic Liver Diseases: Current Update and Future Perspectives
Magnetic Resonance Imaging Clinics of North America, 7 July 2021, Volume 29, Issue 3 (Cover date: August 2021), Pages 451-463
Carl F. Sabottke, Bradley M. Spieler, Khaled M. Elsayes
25. Barrett esophagus: What to expect from Artificial Intelligence?
Best Practice & Research Clinical Gastroenterology, 8 February 2021, Volumes 52–53 (Cover date: June–August 2021), Article 101726
Alanna Ebigbo, Christoph Palm, Helmut Messmann
26. An integrated artificial intelligence framework for knowledge creation and B2B marketing rational decision making for improving firm performance
Industrial Marketing Management, 22 December 2020, Volume 92 (Cover date: January 2021), Pages 178-189
Surajit Bag, Shivam Gupta, Uthayasankar Sivarajah
27. Artificial intelligence in dental research: Checklist for authors, reviewers, readers
Journal of Dentistry, 22 February 2021, Volume 107 (Cover date: April 2021), Article 103610
Falk Schwendicke, Tarry Singh, Joachim Krois
1. Research and Practice of AI Ethics: A Case Study Approach Juxtaposing Academic Discourse with Organisational Reality
Mark Ryan, Josephina Antoniou, Laurence Brooks… in Science and Engineering Ethics (2021)
2. Deep learning-based BackCom multiple beamforming for 6G UAV IoT networks
Fei Qi, Wenjing Li, Peng Yu, Lei Feng… in EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking (2021)
3. Software-Defined Dew, Roof, Fog and Cloud (SD-DRFC) Framework for IoT Ecosystem: The Journey, Novel Framework Architecture, Simulation, and Use Cases
Ishtiaq Ahammad, Md. Ashikur Rahman Khan, Zayed Us Salehin in SN Computer Science (2021)
4. CRIDS: Correlation and Regression-Based Network Intrusion Detection System for IoT
Sarika Choudhary, Apurba Dey, Nishtha Kesswani in SN Computer Science (2021)
5. A framework for Model-Driven Engineering of resilient software-controlled systems
Jacopo Parri, Fulvio Patara, Samuele Sampietro, Enrico Vicario in Computing (2021)
6. Big Cloud Innovation for Sustainable Wireless Management
Chan-Yun Yang, Muhammad Sharif, Sri Devi Ravana… in Wireless Personal Communications (2021)
7. Prioritization of public services for digitalization using fuzzy Z-AHP and fuzzy Z-WASPAS
Duygu Sergi, Irem Ucal Sari in Complex & Intelligent Systems (2021)
Theo Cục Thông tin KH&CN Quốc gia, 1/9/2021