Các bài nghiên cứu mới về Công nghệ tài chính từ ngày 7/10 đến ngày 14/10/2021
- Thứ tư - 13/10/2021 23:59
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Trong những năm gần đây, lĩnh vực công nghệ tài chính - Fintech đã đánh dấu nhiều sự phát triển nổi bật. Theo thời gian, Fitech dần được coi là một trong những phương tiện, công cụ quan trọng trong việc định hình và phát triển đổi mới tài chính. Cục Thông tin KH&CN Quốc gia trân trọng gửi đến các nhà khoa học những nghiên cứu mới nhất về Công nghệ tài chính, được xuất bản chính thức và các bài viết được chấp nhận đăng trên những cơ sở dữ liệu học thuật chính thống. Những nghiên cứu công bố được tổng hợp tại đường link các bài.
1. Blockchain Technology, Its Applications and Open Research Challenges
Kaushal, Rajesh Kumar; Kumar, Naveen; Surya Narayan Panda. Journal of Physics: Conference Series; Bristol Vol. 1950, Iss. 1, (Aug 2021).
2. A Permissioned Blockchain System for Secure Multiparty Computation
Garg, S; Vashisht, R. Journal of Physics: Conference Series; Bristol Vol. 1998, Iss. 1, (Aug 2021).
3. Blockchain Technology Empirical Studies on the Demand of Distributed Network
Mishra, Manish Kumar; Balamurugan, M; Roy, R Reena; Amanullah, M; K Shantha Shalini. Journal of Physics: Conference Series; Bristol Vol. 1964, Iss. 4, (Jul 2021).
4. Smart Monitoring at the Surface of a Compact Blockchain Privacy Defence
Raman, G R Anantha; Porandla Srinivas; Ashok, Maram; Reddy, P Kiran Kumar. Journal of Physics: Conference Series; Bristol Vol. 1964, Iss. 4, (Jul 2021).
5. Asset logging in the energy sector: a scalable blockchain-based data platform
Djamali Alexander; Dossow, Patrick; Hinterstocker, Michael; Schellinger, Benjamin; Sedlmeir Johannes; et al. Energy Informatics, suppl. 3; Heidelberg Vol. 4, (Sep 2021).
6. An Educated Peer Discovery Expanding Blockchain Framework
Singuluri, Prem Kumar; Shaik Lal John Basha; Shaik Khaleel Ahamed; Nithya, M. Journal of Physics: Conference Series; Bristol Vol. 1964, Iss. 4, (Jul 2021).
7. A Secure Digital E-Voting Using Blockchain Technology
Geetha, S K; Sathya, S; Sakthi, Sree T. Journal of Physics: Conference Series; Bristol Vol. 1916, Iss. 1, (May 2021).
8. Strangely mined bitcoins: Empirical analysis of anomalies in the bitcoin blockchain transaction network
Óskarsdóttir, María; Mallett, Jacky. PLoS One; San Francisco Vol. 16, Iss. 9, (Sep 2021): e0258001.
9. Application of Error Correction model with monetary function factors in the return of bitcoin
Liang, Huan. Journal of Physics: Conference Series; Bristol Vol. 1941, Iss. 1, (Jun 2021).
10. Assessment of the Effects of Blockchain Based Protection in Network Performance
Y Murali Mohan Babu; Radhika, K; Saravanan, T R; Periasamy, J K. Journal of Physics: Conference Series; Bristol Vol. 1964, Iss. 4, (Jul 2021).
11. Secure Cloud Backup for Data Sources Based on Blockchain
Mouleeswaran, S K; Aruna, R; Visumathi, J; Gurusubramani, S. Journal of Physics: Conference Series; Bristol Vol. 1964, Iss. 4, (Jul 2021).
12. Research on digital copyright protection based on the hyperledger fabric blockchain network technology
Liu, Yanhui; Zhang, Jianbiao; Wu, Shupei; Pathan, Muhammad Salman. PeerJ Computer Science; San Diego (Sep 17, 2021).
13. A Distributed Fewer Environment for the Use of Blockchain IoT Device Sharing
Sundaramoorthy, K; Thenmozhi, E; Josphineleela, R; S Suma Christal Mary; Shanmugapriya, T. Journal of Physics: Conference Series; Bristol Vol. 1964, Iss. 4, (Jul 2021).
14. A Quantum-Based Blockchain Approach to Voting Protocol Using Hyperledger Sawtooth
Vignesh, V; Gopalan, S Harihara; Mohan, M; Ramya, R S; Ananthakumar, R. Journal of Physics: Conference Series; Bristol Vol. 1916, Iss. 1, (May 2021).
15. Blockchain Confidence Protection and Cloud Chain Management Support
Nagalakshmi, M; Saravanan, K; Jabirullah, Mohammad; T Rajesh Kumar. Journal of Physics: Conference Series; Bristol Vol. 1964, Iss. 4, (Jul 2021).
16. An Investigation of Factors Determining the Token Value in the Blockchain-based Early Funding Mechanism
Šapkauskienė, Alfreda; Pakėnaitė, Simona. Economic and Business Review for Central and South - Eastern Europe; Ljubljana Vol. 23, Iss. 1, (2021): 55-67,55A.
17. A version of the voting protocol based on blockchain technology
Killer, V N; Borshevnikov, A E; Soldatov, K S. IOP Conference Series. Materials Science and Engineering; Bristol Vol. 1069, Iss. 1, (Mar 2021).
18. IoT-CCAC: a blockchain-based consortium capability access control approach for IoT
Bouras, Mohammed Amine; Xia, Boming; Adnan Omer Abuassba; Huansheng Ning; Lu, Qinghua. PeerJ Computer Science; San Diego (Apr 8, 2021).
19. Characterizing key agents in the cryptocurrency economy through blockchain transaction analysis
Liu Xiao Fan; Huan-Huan, Ren; Si-Hao, Liu; Xian-Jian, Jiang. EPJ Data Science; Heidelberg Vol. 10, Iss. 1, (May 2021).
20. Distributed Ledger Infrastructure to Verify Adverse Event Reporting (DeLIVER): Proposal for a Proof-of-Concept Study
Milne-Ives, Madison; Lam, Ching; Rehman, Najib; Sharif, Raja; Meinert, Edward. JMIR Research Protocols; Toronto Vol. 10, Iss. 6, (Jun 2021).
1. Evaluation of multi-asset investment strategies with digital assets
Alla Petukhina, Erin Sprünken in Digital Finance (2021)
2. On cointegration and cryptocurrency dynamics
Georg Keilbar, Yanfen Zhang in Digital Finance (2021)
3. The volatility of Bitcoin and its role as a medium of exchange and a store of value
Dirk G. Baur, Thomas Dimpfl in Empirical Economics (2021)
4. Can fiat currencies really hedge Bitcoin? Evidence from dynamic short-term perspective
Jihed Majdoub, Salim Ben Sassi, Azza Bejaoui in Decisions in Economics and Finance (2021)
5. Portfolio diversification benefits of alternative currency investment in Bitcoin and foreign exchange markets
Muhammad Owais Qarni, Saiqb Gulzar in Financial Innovation (2021)
6. The time-varying causal relationship between the Bitcoin market and internet attention
Xun Zhang, Fengbin Lu, Rui Tao, Shouyang Wang in Financial Innovation (2021)
7. "Forecasting and trading cryptocurrencies with machine learning under changing market conditions Helder Sebastião & Pedro Godinho "
Helder Sebastião, Pedro Godinho in Financial Innovation (2021)
8. Lottery-like preferences and the MAX effect in the cryptocurrency market
Melisa Ozdamar, Levent Akdeniz, Ahmet Sensoy in Financial Innovation (2021)
9. ResTech: innovative technologies for crisis resolution
Giuseppe Loiacono, Edoardo Rulli in Journal of Banking Regulation (2021)
10. Integrating Regulatory Technology (RegTech) into the digital transformation of a bank Treasury
Johan von Solms in Journal of Banking Regulation (2021)
11. Cryptocurrency volatility markets
Fabian Woebbeking in Digital Finance (2021)
12. Portfolio diversification benefits of alternative currency investment in Bitcoin and foreign exchange markets
Muhammad Owais Qarni, Saiqb Gulzar in Financial Innovation (2021)
13. Can fiat currencies really hedge Bitcoin? Evidence from dynamic short-term perspective
Jihed Majdoub, Salim Ben Sassi, Azza Bejaoui in Decisions in Economics and Finance (2021)
14. The volatility of Bitcoin and its role as a medium of exchange and a store of value
Dirk G. Baur, Thomas Dimpfl in Empirical Economics (2021)
15. Unfolding identity of financial institutions in bitcoin blockchain by weekly pattern of network flows
Rubaiyat Islam, Yoshi Fujiwara… in Evolutionary and Institutional Economics R… (2021)
1. Development of a trade model based on distributed ledger technology for the EAEU
Procedia Computer Science, 22 July 2021, Volume 190, Pages 571-581
Seryozha E. Melkonyan, Natali A. Galoyan, Pavel Yu. Leonov
2. Emerging-market consumers’ interactions with banking chatbots
Telematics and Informatics, 13 September 2021, Volume 65, Article 101711
Emmanuel Mogaji, Janarthanan Balakrishnan, Nguyen Phong Nguyen
3. Blockchain for business management: Applications, challenges and potentials
The Journal of High Technology Management Research, 28 July 2021, Volume 32, Issue 2, Article 100414
Abhinav Pal, Chandan Kumar Tiwari, Nivedita Haldar
4. IoT and Blockchain combined: for decentralized security
Procedia Computer Science, 8 September 2021, Volume 191, Pages 337-342
Younes Abbassi, Habib Ben, lahmer
5. Critical risk considerations in auto-ID security: Barcode vs. RFID
Decision Support Systems, 8 December 2020, Volume 142 (Cover date: March 2021), Article 113471
Yu-Ju Tu, Wei Zhou, Selwyn Piramuthu
6. Privacy methods and zero-knowledge poof for corporate blockchain
Procedia Computer Science, 22 July 2021, Volume 190, Pages 471-478
Anatoly Konkin, Sergey Zapechnikov
7. Big data driven Internet of Things for credit evaluation and early warning in finance
Future Generation Computer Systems, 10 June 2021, Volume 124, Pages 295-307
Chunhui Wen, Jinhai Yang, Yang Pan
8. Intelligent Asset Allocation using Predictions of Deep Frequency Decomposition
Expert Systems with Applications, 11 August 2021, Volume 186, Article 115715
Hadi Rezaei, Hamidreza Faaljou, Gholamreza Mansourfar
9. A bibliometric analysis and visualization of blockchain
Future Generation Computer Systems, 7 November 2020, Volume 116 (Cover date: March 2021), Pages 316-332
Yi-Ming Guo, Zhen-Ling Huang, Mpeoane Judith Nkeli
10. Semi-supervised multi-Layer convolution kernel learning in credit evaluation
Pattern Recognition, 29 June 2021, Volume 120, Article 108125
Lixiang Xu, Lixin Cui, Yuanyan Tang
Theo Cục Thông tin KH&CN Quốc gia, 14/10/2021