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Cập nhật vào: Thứ sáu - 17/11/2023 00:02
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Vi sinh vật rất có lợi cho sự phát triển của cây trồng. Đất là nền tảng cơ sở cho sản xuất cây trồng nông nghiệp, là nơi phát triển của tất cả các loài thực vật để sản xuất lương thực. Đất có phì nhiêu, màu mỡ thì cây trồng mới phát triển tốt và cho năng suất cao. Đất là nơi cư trú của nhiều loài vi sinh vật bao gồm cả vi sinh vật có lợi và gây bệnh cho cây trồng. Trong nhiều trường hợp vi sinh vật đóng vai trò là tác nhân gây bệnh vì thế người ta thường nghĩ đến tác động tiêu cực của vi sinh vật vì. Tuy nhiên, theo quan điểm của các nhà khoa học nông nghiệp, tính chất vật lý, hóa học và sinh học của đất phụ thuộc vào số lượng, chất lượng vật chất hữu cơ của đất, pH, độ mặn, độ thoáng khí, quần thể vi sinh vật trong đất vv….
Để hiểu rõ hơn Cục Thông tin khoa học và công nghệ quốc gia xin giới thiệu một số bài nghiên cứu đã được xuất bản chính thức và các bài viết được chấp nhận đăng trên những cơ sở dữ liệu học thuật chính thống.
1. Sciencedirect
1. Beneficial microbes to suppress Vibrio and improve the culture performance of copepod Tigriopus japonicus Mori
Microbial Pathogenesis 7 September 2023
Javad Sahandi, Patrick Sorgeloos, Wenbing Zhang
2. Differential influence of heavy metals on plant growth promoting attributes of beneficial microbes and their ability to promote growth of Vigna radiata (mung bean)
Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology 24 December 2022
Juliya Thomas, G. Archana
3. Soil substrate source drives the microbes involved in the degradation of gelatin used as a biostimulant
Applied Soil Ecology 14 April 2023
Ohana Y. A. Costa, Agata Pijl, Eiko E. Kuramae
4. Deciphering of Microbes × Nitrogen source fertilizers Interaction for improving nitrogen use efficiency in spring maize
Journal of King Saud University - Science 8 March 2023
Kamran Azeem, Inamullah, Abdul Qayyum
5. Seasonal variations in the composition and diversity of rhizosphere soil microbiome of bamboo plants as infected by soil-borne pathogen and screening of associated antagonistic strains
Industrial Crops and Products 28 March 2023
Tiantian Lin, Lin Li, Shujiang Li
6. Effects of wildfire disturbance on forest soil microbes and colonization of ericoid mycorrhizal fungi in northern China
Environmental Research 22 May 2023
Hu LouHuiying CaiLong Sun
7. Soil salinity determines the assembly of endophytic bacterial communities in the roots but not leaves of halophytes in a river delta ecosystem
Geoderma 31 March 2023
Yi Zhou, Yanli Wei, Matthew D Denton
8. Differential shifts in microbiome and pathogen populations associated with suppressive soil in long-term continuous corn field compared to rotation corn field
Applied Soil Ecology 18 August 2023
A. O. Adesemoye, S. Kodati, B. Maharjan
9. Transgenic soybean of GsMYB10 shapes rhizosphere microbes to promote resistance to aluminum (Al) toxicity
Journal of Hazardous Materials 11 May 2023
Lingrui Liu, Lang Cheng, Tengxiang Lian
10. Selenium and Bacillus proteolyticus SES synergistically enhanced ryegrass to remediate Cu–Cd–Cr contaminated soil
Environmental Pollution 11 February 2023
Min Nie, Chihhung Wu, Xiaohu Zhao
11. Changes in the diversity of pecan (Carya illinoinensis) rhizosphere microbial community with different nitrogen fertilization, a case study in Oklahoma pecan orchard
Scientia Horticulturae 28 July 2023
Wei Ren, Lu Zhang, Tingying Xu
12. Vitislactone, a non-canonical strigolactone exudated by grapevine rootstocks in response to nitrogen starvation
Phytochemistry 26 August 2023
Vincent Lailheugue, Isabelle Merlin, Virginie Lauvergeat
13. Shifts in bacterial diversity characteristics during the primary and secondary fermentation stages of bio-compost inoculated with effective microorganisms agent
Bioresource Technology 22 May 2023
Xiayan Liu, Muhammad Zubair, Zhaojun Li
14. Alterations in the Gut Microbiome in Liver Recipients with Post-transplant Diabetes Mellitus
Engineering Available online 29 September 2023
Qi Ling, Yuqiu Han, Baohong Wang
15. Enhancing biofilm growth in an integrated fixed-film activated sludge process through modification of polypropylene carriers
Environmental Technology & Innovation 9 September 2023
Shujie Liu, Yun Li, Jian-e Zuo
16. Soil metagenome and metabolome of peanut intercropped with sorghum reveal a prominent role of carbohydrate metabolism in salt-stress response
Environmental and Experimental Botany 23 February 2023
Xiaolong Shi, Yufei Zhou, Shubo Wan
17. Microbiological mechanism for “production while remediating” in Cd-contaminated paddy fields: A field experiment
Science of The Total Environment 4 May 2023
Jiguang Gu, Fang Guo, Zhimin Xu
18. In grapevine decline, microbiomes are affected differently in symptomatic and asymptomatic soils
Applied Soil Ecology 14 December 2022
Romain Darriaut, Joseph Tran, Virginie Lauvergeat
19. Soil amendment with insect exuviae causes species-specific changes in the rhizosphere bacterial community of cabbage plants
Applied Soil Ecology 10 March 2023
Max Wantulla, Joop J. A. van Loon, Marcel Dicke
20. Enhanced plant growth in the presence of earthworms correlates with changes in soil microbiota but not nutrient availability
Geoderma 12 March 2023
M. E. Hodson, P. Brailey-Jones, H. F. Walker
21. The balance between arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal diversity and plant growth benefits from optimizing nitrogen inputs in agroecosystems
Applied Soil Ecology 8 February 2023
Jianni Sun, Jiao Zhao, Manqiang Liu
22. An endophytic bacterium with biocontrol activity against important wheat pathogens
Biological Control 2 May 2023
Elaheh Taheri, Saeed Tarighi, Parissa Taheri
23. Nitrogen fertilization modulates rice seed endophytic microbiomes and grain quality
Science of The Total Environment 1 October 2022
Yuanhui Liu, Guang Chu, Danying Wang
24. Improving runoff quality in vertical greenery systems: Substrate type outweighed the effect of plant growth promoting microbes
Science of The Total Environment 3 September 2023
Xi Shu, D. Johan Kotze, Long Xie
25. Root endophytic bacterial and fungal communities in a natural hot desert are differentially regulated in dry and wet seasons by stochastic processes and functional traits
Science of The Total Environment 17 July 2023
Takeshi Taniguchi, Kazuo Isobe, Emma L. Aronson
26. Endophytic Bacillus strains enhance biomass and bioactive metabolites of Gloriosa superba
Industrial Crops and Products 11 August 2023
Pradeep Semwal, Sankalp Misra, Puneet Singh Chauhan
27. Biodiesel Co-Product enhances microbial stability and beneficial microbial communities along a gradient of soil water content
Science of The Total Environment 2 October 2022
Qunli Shen, Kaile Zhang, Philip Brookes
28. Organic fertilizer substitution over six years improves the productivity of garlic, bacterial diversity, and microbial communities network complexity
Applied Soil Ecology 9 November 2022
Yingjun Ma, Shizhou Shen, Wenxuan Gao
29. The modified properties of sludge-based biochar with ferric sulfate and its effectiveness in promoting carbon release from particulate organic matter in rural household wastewater
Environmental Research 11 May 2023
Linji Xu, Lin Li, Lei Zhu
30. Responses of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi to straw return and nitrogen fertilizer reduction in a rainfed maize field
Pedosphere Available online 8 March 2023
Zhenling PENG, Hao XI, Yongjun LIU
31. Integrated microbiology and metabolomics analysis reveal patterns and mechanisms of improvement the Achnatherum inebrians adaptability to N addition by endophytic fungus Epichloë gansuensis
Environmental and Experimental Botany 21 June 2023
Jie Jin, Jianfeng Wang, Chunjie Li
32. Hyperthermophilic pretreatment significantly accelerates thermophilic composting humification through improving bacterial communities and promoting microbial cooperation
Bioresource Technology 8 July 2023
Shi-Peng Zhou, Su-Qin Tang, Yu-Guo Zheng
33. Metabarcoding reveals response of rice rhizosphere bacterial community to rice bacterial leaf blight
Microbiological Research 28 February 2023
Hubiao Jiang, Xinyan Xu, Bin Li
34. Biogeochemical transformation of mercury driven by microbes involved in anaerobic digestion of municipal wastewater
Journal of Environmental Management 19 July 2023
Yuanqin Gao, Hao Cheng, Feng Luo
35. Genetic determinants of switchgrass-root-associated microbiota in field sites spanning its natural range
Current Biology 19 April 2023
Joseph A. Edwards, Usha Bishnoi Saran, Thomas E. Juenger
36. Dynamics of organic acid exudation and rhizobacteria in maize rhizosphere respond to N-CDs
Science of The Total Environment 22 August 2023
Le Yue, Liya Jiao, Zhenyu Wang
37. Beneficial properties of soil bacteria from Cannabis sativa L.: Seed germination, phosphorus solubilization and mycelial growth inhibition of Fusarium sp.
Rhizosphere 1 September 2023
Ingrid Carolina Corredor-Perilla, Jairo Leonardo Cuervo Andrade, Sang-Hyuck Park
38. Fusarium equiseti-inoculation altered rhizosphere soil microbial community, potentially driving perennial ryegrass growth and salt tolerance
Science of The Total Environment 9 February 2023
Qijia Feng, Shilong Cao, Yan Xie
39. Widely targeted metabolomic, transcriptomic, and metagenomic profiling reveal microbe–plant–metabolic reprogramming patterns mediated by Streptomyces pactum Act12 enhance the fruit quality of Capsicum annuum L
Food Research International 9 February 2023
Yisen Zhao, Chenyu Sun, Hangxian Lai
2. Springer
1. Effector translocation in soil beneficial bacteria
Wei Qian in Phytopathology Research (2023)
2. Use of biochar and a post-coagulation effluent as an adsorbent of malachite green, beneficial bacteria carrier, and seedling substrate for plants belonging to the poaceae family
Christy A. Plaza-Rojas, Nelson A. Amaya-Orozco, Claudia M. Rivera-Hoyos… in 3 Biotech (2023)
3. Isolation of beneficial bacteria from strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa, Duch). Potentialities for fungal disease control and plant growth promotion
Mailén Hirsch, Pablo Luis Burges, Lara Migueliz… in Plant Growth Regulation (2023)
4. Shaping effects of rice, wheat, maize, and soybean seedlings on their rhizosphere microbial community
Fan Zhang, Nuohan Xu, Zhenyan Zhang… in Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2023)
5. Root Exudates Modulate Rhizosphere Microbial Communities during the Interaction of Pseudomonas chlororaphis, β-Aminobutyric Acid, and Botrytis Cinerea in Tomato Plants
Yu Zhao, Zhaoxia Jin, Ye Hong, Yahui Zhang, Zijie Lu… in Journal of Plant Growth Regulation (2023)
Nguồn: Cục Thông tin khoa học và công nghệ quốc gia, 17/11/2023