Tính ứng dụng của vải địa kỹ thuật
Cập nhật vào: Thứ sáu - 19/05/2023 00:03
Cỡ chữ
Vải địa kỹ thuật (geotextile) là một loại vải đặc biệt, được dùng để xử lý nền đất yếu cho các công trình nền móng, cầu đường, đê kè, bến cảng …. Đây là một giải phát rất hữu ích để gia cố nền móng chắc chắn và tiết kiệm chi phí cho các công trình xây dựng Để hiểu rõ hơn Cục Thông tin KH&CN quốc gia xin giới thiệu một số bài nghiên cứu đã được xuất bản chính thức và các bài viết được chấp nhận đăng trên những cơ sở dữ liệu học thuật chính thống.
1. Sciencedirect
1. Application of superabsorbent geotextiles to decontaminate and improve crude oil-contaminated soil
Transportation Geotechnics 1 December 2022 Volume 38 (Cover date: January 2023) 100910
Alireza Rezaei, Mohammadali Rowshanzamir, Milad Banitalebi-Dehkordi
2. Quantitative assessment of the shoreline protection performance of geotextile sandbags at an in-situ coastal experimental station
Geotextiles and Geomembranes 12 January 2023 Volume 51, Issue 3 (Cover date: June 2023) Pages 371-380
Yongqing Li, Zai-Jin You, Bing Ren
3. Effect of woven geotextile reinforcement on mechanical behavior of calcareous sands
Case Studies in Construction Materials 21 March 2023 Volume 18 (Cover date: July 2023) e02014
Nima Hakimelahi, Meysam Bayat, Bahram Nadi
4. Development of OF based intelligent geotextile and its case study in high-speed railway subgrade
Measurement 31 March 2023 Volume 214 (Cover date: 15 June 2023) 112820
Yuan Xue, Jianping He, Wanru Liu
5. Effect of fabric structure on in-plane and through-plane hydraulic properties of nonwoven geotextiles
Geotextiles and Geomembranes Available online 6 March 2023 In press, corrected proof
Ghazaleh Eskandarnia, Parham Soltani
6. Microstructure characteristics of nonwoven geotextiles using SEM and CT methods
Geotextiles and Geomembranes 5 December 2022 Volume 51, Issue 2 (Cover date: April 2023) Pages 293-302
Ke-Yi Li, Xiao-Wu Tang, Jia-Xin Liang
7. Effect of gas-oil contamination on the mechanical behavior of sand-woven geotextile interface: Experimental investigation and constitutive modeling
Geotextiles and Geomembranes Available online 31 March 2023 In press, corrected proof
M. R. Shoushtari, A. Lashkari, A. Martinez
8. Experimental study on the fatigue and freeze-thaw properties of geotextile isolation layer in CRTS III ballastless tracks
Case Studies in Construction Materials 8 March 2023 Volume 18 (Cover date: July 2023) e01988
Xiaochun Liu, Xian Yang, Zhiwu Yu
9. Electro-mechanical behaviour of graphene-based geotextiles for pavement health monitoring
Geotextiles and Geomembranes 7 December 2022 Volume 51, Issue 2 (Cover date: April 2023) Pages 303-315
Harini Senadheera, Ravin Deo, Jayantha Kodikara
10. A quasi-2D exploration of optimum design settings for geotextile-reinforced sand in assistance with PIV analysis of failure mechanism
Geotextiles and Geomembranes 8 February 2023 Volume 51, Issue 3 (Cover date: June 2023) Pages 418-436
Bayram Ates, Erol Sadoglu
11. Land reclamation using the horizontal drainage enhanced geotextile sheet method
Geotextiles and Geomembranes 13 October 2022 Volume 51, Issue 1 (Cover date: February 2023) Pages 131-150
Hao Chen, Jian Chu, Shifan Wu
12. Shear strength characteristics of two-layer geotextile reinforced with flowable fill
Construction and Building Materials 7 January 2023 Volume 367 (Cover date: 27 February 2023) 130207
Dong Geon Son, Yong-Hoon Byun
13. Geotextile resistance to cyclic and static loading damage when impregnated with asphalt emulsion
Construction and Building Materials 28 November 2022 Volume 363 (Cover date: 11 January 2023) 129738
Mateus P. Fleury, Mateus A. Lima, Jefferson Lins da Silva
14. Modelling of railway embankment stabilized with geotextile, geo-foam, and waste aggregates
Case Studies in Construction Materials 22 December 2022 Volume 18 (Cover date: July 2023) e01800
Mahmoud S. El-kady, Abdelhalim Azam, Marwa Nabil
15. Change pattern of geomembrane surface roughness for geotextile/textured geomembrane interfaces
Geotextiles and Geomembranes 14 October 2022 Volume 51, Issue 1 (Cover date: February 2023) Pages 88-99
Gaojie Xu, Jianyong Shi, Yan Li
16. The need to consider the service life of all components of a modern MSW landfill liner system
Waste Management 28 February 2023 Volume 161 (Cover date: 15 April 2023) Pages 43-51
R. Kerry Rowe, J. Reinert, R. Awad
17. An experimental study of the local scour protection methods around the monopile foundation of offshore wind turbines
Ocean Engineering 20 February 2023 Volume 273 (Cover date: 1 April 2023) 113957
Guangyao Wang, Siyuan Xu, Jinfeng Zhang
18. Effect of subgrade on leakage through a defective geomembrane seam below saturated tailings
Geotextiles and Geomembranes 23 December 2022 Volume 51, Issue 2 (Cover date: April 2023) Pages 360-369
Jiying Fan, R. Kerry Rowe
19. Experimental investigation of mechanical behavior of geosynthetics in different soil plasticity indexes
Transportation Geotechnics 16 January 2023 Volume 39 (Cover date: March 2023) 100935
Waqas Hassan, Khalid Farooq, Marc Azab
20. An overview of water proofing system in concrete structures
Materials Today: Proceedings Available online 3 April 2023 In press, corrected proof
R. Kavitha, M. Ram Vivekananthan, M. Ramprathap
21. Full-Scale Field Impact Load Experiments on Buried Pipes in Geosynthetic-Reinforced Soils
Transportation Geotechnics 24 December 2022 Volume 38 (Cover date: January 2023) 100927
Gunes Babagiray, Sami Oguzhan Akbas, Ozgur Anil
22. Calculating local geomembrane strains from gravel p indentations with thin plate theory
Geotextiles and Geomembranes 19 October 2022 Volume 51, Issue 1 (Cover date: February 2023) Pages 56-72
H. M. G. Eldesouky, R. W. I. Brachman
23. Assessing the importance of drainage layers over geomembrane liners within engineered cover systems: Seven years of field monitoring at three mine waste rock piles
Geotextiles and Geomembranes 3 February 2023 Volume 51, Issue 3 (Cover date: June 2023) Pages 381-389
Deanna Hersey, Christopher Power
24. Effect of geosynthetic component characteristics on the potential for GCL internal erosion
Geotextiles and Geomembranes Available online 3 April 2023 In press, corrected proof
Jiying Fan, R. Kerry Rowe
25. Experimental study on the dynamic response of a silty seabed under waves
Ocean Engineering 3 January 2023 Volume 269 (Cover date: 1 February 2023) 113554
Lihua Wang, Jinfeng Zhang, Tongqing Chen
26. Investigating the suitability of synthetic envelopes as an alternative or complement to stone aggregate in clay-textured soils in Ireland
Geoderma Regional 17 December 2022 Volume 32 (Cover date: March 2023) e00598
Ian Byrne, Mark Gerard Healy, Patrick Tuohy
27. DIC assessment of foundation soil response for different reinforcement between base and soft subgrade layer – Physical modeling
Geotextiles and Geomembranes 17 January 2023 Volume 51, Issue 3 (Cover date: June 2023) Pages 390-404
Mladen Kapor, Adis Skejić, Anis Balić
28. PCB containment using geosynthetics in Canada's Arctic
Polar Science Available online 16 February 2023 In press, corrected proof 100928
Daniel D. Jones, Rebecca S. Mc, WattersAllison Rutter
29. Slope stability analysis of riverbank in Malaysia with the effects of vegetation
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C 5 December 2022 Volume 129 (Cover date: February 2023) 103334
Irfan Haziq Razali, Aizat Mohd Taib, Aniza Ibrahim
30. Multi-scale understanding of sand-geosynthetic interface shear response through Micro-CT and shear band analysis
Geotextiles and Geomembranes 4 February 2023 Volume 51, Issue 3 (Cover date: June 2023) Pages 437-453
Rizwan Khan, Gali Madhavi Latha
31. Systematic literature review on thermal and acoustic characteristics of natural fibre polymer composites for automobile applications
Materials Today: Proceedings Available online 13 February 2023 In press, corrected proof
Sarita Choudhary, Jyotirmoy Haloi, Vikas Kumar
32. Centrifuge modelling of an expansive clay profile using artificial fissuring to accelerate swell
Engineering Geology 17 November 2022 Volume 312 (Cover date: January 2023) 106928
T. A. V. Gaspar, S. W. Jacobsz, A. S. Osman
33. Centrifuge modelling of landslides and landslide hazard mitigation: A review
Geoscience Frontiers 17 October 2022 Volume 14, Issue 1 (Cover date: January 2023) 101493
Kun Fang, Huiming Tang, Sixuan Sun
34. Erosion and runoff reduction potential of vetiver grass for hill slopes: A physical model study
International Journal of Sediment Research 2 September 2022 Volume 38, Issue 1 (Cover date: February 2023) Pages 49-65
Shamontee Aziz, Mohammad Shariful Islam
2. Springer
1. Experimental study of the improvement of surrounding soils due to the grouting with a geotextile
Sheng Zhang, Wei Liu, Xinyu Ye, Yu Li, Yifan Shi, Shanyong Wang in Acta Geotechnica (2023)
2. Metagenome analyses of microbial population in geotextile fabrics used in permeable reactor barriers for toluene biodegradation
Huseyin Tombuloglu, Cevat Yaman, Imane Boudellioua, Emre Cevik, Ismail Anil… in 3 Biotech (2023)
3. Banana–Plantain Fiber Limited Life Geotextiles (PFLLGs): Design and Characterization
Augustin Blaise Nguendeu Deugoué… in Indian Geotechnical Journal (2023)
4. Experimental Investigation of a Reduced-Scale Square Footing Model on the Geocomposite Reinforced Layered Soil
Asif Akbar, Javed Ahmad Bhat, Bashir Ahmed Mir in Indian Geotechnical Journal (2023)
5. Study on drainage mode and anti-clogging performance of new waterproofing and drainage system in a tunnel
Cong Zhang, Ning Liu, Kun Chen, FangZhou Ren in Scientific Reports (2023)
6. The Feasibility Analysis of Recycled Aggregates from Construction and Demolition Waste for Permeable Pavement
Lihua Li, Xuanyu Shen, Jiabei Liu, Wentao Li… in KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering (2023)
7. A Study on CBR of Railway Track Foundations with Geosynthetic Reinforcement
Sujit Kumar Dash, Anjan Majee in Indian Geotechnical Journal (2023)
8. Guest Editorial for the Special Issue on “Geosynthetics in Mining”
Jefferson Lins da Silva… in International Journal of Geosynthetics and… (2023)
9. Centrifuge Modelling of a Soil Slope Reinforced by Geosynthetic Cementitious Composite Mats
Tan Phong Ngo, Akihiro Takahashi… in Geotechnical and Geological Engineering (2023)
10. Topo-bathymetric behaviour of a beach controlled by a groyne field and a dune-seawall backshore
Filipa S. B. F. Oliveira, João N. C. Oliveira in Journal of Coastal Conservation (2023)
Nguồn: Cục Thông tin khoa học và công nghệ quốc gia, 19/5/2023