Thành phố thông minh và vấn đề quản trị thông minh (Cập nhật đến ngày 12/8/2022)
Cập nhật vào: Thứ năm - 11/08/2022 23:24
Cỡ chữ
Xây dựng thành phố thông minh đang trở thành một trào lưu của các đô thị trên thế giới và Việt Nam cũng đang bước đầu tiếp cận. Quá trình đô thị hóa ở các nước đi sau có nhiều cơ hội để thay đổi; tuy nhiên cần chú ý những khác biệt về nền tảng xã hội khi học hỏi kinh nghiệm từ các quốc gia đi trước. Bài viết thảo luận về tình hình phát triển đô thị thông minh trên thế giới và ở Việt Nam và gợi ý một số vấn đề về quản trị đô thị tương lai. Để hiểu rõ hơn Cục Thông tin khoa học và công nghệ quốc gia xin giới thiệu một số bài nghiên cứu đã được xuất bản chính thức và các bài viết được chấp nhận đăng trên những cơ sở dữ liệu học thuật chính thống.
1. Sciencedirect
1. The role of dynamic managerial capabilities and organizational readiness in smart city transformation
Cities16 July 2022 Volume 129 (Cover date: October 2022) Article 103791
Ali Asker Guenduez, Ines Mergel
2. Factors for collaboration amongst smart city stakeholders: A local government perspective
Government Information Quarterly Available online 12 July 2022 In press, corrected proof Article 101746
Jessica Clement, Miguel Manjon, Nathalie Crutzen
3. Combined power generation and electricity storage device using deep learning and internet of things technologies
Energy Reports 11 April 2022 Volume 8 (Cover date: November 2022) Pages 5016-5025
Celestine Iwendi, Gai-Ge Wang
4. Smart metering interoperability issues and solutions: Taking inspiration from other ecosystems and sectors
Utilities Policy 2 March 2022 Volume 76 (Cover date: June 2022) Article 101360
Valerie Reif, Leonardo Meeus
5. Future smart cities: requirements, emerging technologies, applications, challenges, and future aspects
Cities18 June 2022 Volume 129 (Cover date: October 2022) Article 103794
Abdul Rehman Javed, Faisal Shahzad, Guandong Xu
6. Design and implementation of iot integrated monitoring and control system of renewable energy in smart grid for sustainable computing network
Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems 2 June 2022 Volume 35 (Cover date: September 2022) Article 100769
NP G. Bhavani, Ravi Kumar, Abha Singh
7. Smart teledentistry healthcare architecture for medical big data analysis using IoT-enabled environment
Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems 12 March 2022 Volume 35 (Cover date: September 2022) Article 100719
Muhammad Babar, Muhammad Usman Tariq, M. Irfan Uddin
8. Towards intelligent public transport systems in Smart Cities; Collaborative decisions to be made
Procedia Computer Science 3 February 2022 Volume 199 (Cover date: 2022) Pages 1221-1228
Maria Visan, Sorin Lenus Negrea, Firicel Mone
9. Maritime transport management in Kuwait toward an automated port logistical city
Cleaner Logistics and Supply Chain 24 January 2022 Volume 3 (Cover date: March 2022) Article 100031
Sharaf AlKheder, Dana Naif, Isra'a Baqer
10. Meteorological characteristics of fog events in Korean smart cities and machine learning based visibility estimation
Atmospheric Research 12 May 2022 Volume 275 (Cover date: September 2022) Article 106239
Jaemin Kim, Seung Hee Kim, Yun Gon Lee
11. Smart city reporting: A bibliometric and structured literature review analysis to identify technological opportunities and challenges for sustainable development
Journal of Business Research 24 May 2022 Volume 149 (Cover date: October 2022) Pages 296-313
Silvana SecinaroValerio Brescia, Gabriele Santoro
12. The big picture on the internet of things and the smart city: a review of what we know and what we need to know
Internet of Things 2 July 2022 Volume 19 (Cover date: August 2022) Article 100565
Abderahman Rejeb, Karim Rejeb, Suhaiza Zailani
13. Governance rules for managing smart city information
Urban Governance Available online 31 May 2022 In press, corrected proof
David Landsbergen, Amanda Girth, Angie Westover-Muñoz
14. Hierarchy table of indicators and measures for the current status assessment of urban roads in smart cities
Sustainable Cities and Society 6 November 2021 Volume 77 (Cover date: February 2022) Article 103532
Jinwoong Lee, Yoojung Yoon
15. What factors drive policy transfer in smart city development? Insights from a Delphi study
Sustainable Cities and Society 1 July 2022 Volume 84 (Cover date: September 2022) Article 104008
Lili Li, Araz Taeihagh, Si Ying Tan
16. Transparency of open data ecosystems in smart cities: Definition and assessment of the maturity of transparency in 22 smart cities
Sustainable Cities and Society 19 April 2022 Volume 82 (Cover date: July 2022) Article 103906
Martin Lnenicka, Anastasija Nikiforova, Renata Machova
17. Smart City Dimensions and Associated Risks: Review of literature
Sustainable Cities and Society 12 November 2021 Volume 77 (Cover date: February 2022) Article 103542
Reem Al Sharif, Shaligram Pokharel
18. Smartening sustainable development in cities: Strengthening the theoretical linkage between smart cities and SDGs
Sustainable Cities and Society 23 February 2022 Volume 80 (Cover date: May 2022) Article 103793
S. BlasiA. Ganzaroli, I. De Noni
19. Understanding the dynamic relationship between smart city implementation and urban sustainability
Technology in Society 13 June 2022 Volume 70 (Cover date: August 2022) Article 102018
Mengmeng Wang, Tao Zhou
20. The social sustainability of smart cities: A conceptual framework
City, Culture and Society 26 April 2022 Volume 29 (Cover date: June 2022) Article 100460
SugandhaRobert Freestone, Paola Favaro
21. Sense and the city: An Emotion Data Framework for smart city governance
Journal of Urban Management 28 May 2022 Volume 11, Issue 2 (Cover date: June 2022) Pages 142-152
Katharine S. Willis, Christian Nold
22. What are the key factors affecting smart city transformation readiness? Evidence from Australian cities
Cities10 September 2021 Volume 120 (Cover date: January 2022) Article 103434
Tan Yigitcanlar, Kenan Degirmenci, Kevin C. Desouza
23. The smart city as a hub for nourishing public-private partnerships
Sustainable Cities and Society 20 October 2021 Volume 76 (Cover date: January 2022) Article 103466
Georgios SiokasValia Kelaidi, Aggelos Tsakanikas
24. Smart city: A critical assessment of the concept and its implementation in Romanian urban strategies
Journal of Urban Management 18 May 2022 Volume 11, Issue 2 (Cover date: June 2022) Pages 246-255
Bogdan-Constantin Ibănescu, Gabriela Carmen Pascariu, Ioana Bejenaru
25. Impact and mechanism analysis of smart city policy on urban innovation: Evidence from China
Economic Analysis and Policy 27 December 2021 Volume 73 (Cover date: March 2022) Pages 574-587
Jinxiu Wang, Kun Deng
2. Spinger
1. Smart city assessment using the Boyd Cohen smart city wheel in Salatiga, Indonesia
Maryam Qonita, Sri Rum Giyarsih in GeoJournal (2022)
2. Transitioning from Wired City to Super City: a review of selected ‘Smart City’ case studies
Navneet Munoth, Anugrah Anilkumar Nagaich, Shubham Gehlot in GeoJournal (2022)
3. Factors impinge on the development of a smart city: a field study
Priya Jothimani, Palanisamy Chenniappan… in Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2022)
4. Enabling citizens’ Right to the Smart City through the co-creation of digital platforms
Els M. Leclercq, Emiel A. Rijshouwer in Urban Transformations (2022)
5. Trust management for internet of things using cloud computing and security in smart cities
Mamoun Alazab, Gunasekaran Manogaran, Carlos Enrique Montenegro-Marin in Cluster Computing (2022)
6. Clustering for smart cities in the internet of things: a review
Mehdi Hosseinzadeh, Atefeh Hemmati, Amir Masoud Rahmani in Cluster Computing (2022)
7. Concepts for Modeling Smart Cities
Viviana Bastidas, Iris Reychav, Alon Ofir… in Business & Information Systems Engineering (2022)
8. Smart urban governance: an alternative to technocratic “smartness”
Huaxiong Jiang, Stan Geertman, Patrick Witte in GeoJournal (2022)
9. Factoring ethics in management algorithms for municipal information-analytical systems
Kamolov Sergei, Kriebitz Alexander, Eliseeva Polina, Aleksandrov Nikita in AI and Ethics (2022)
1. A Survey of Emergencies Management Systems in Smart Cities
Daniel G. Costa; João Paulo J. Peixoto; Thiago C. Jesus; Paulo Portugal; Francisco Vasques; Elivelton Rangel; Maycon Peixoto
IEEE Access
Year: 2022 | Volume: 10 | Journal Article | Publisher: IEEE
2. Involvement of Surveillance Drones in Smart Cities: A Systematic Review
Adel Gohari; Anuar Bin Ahmad; Ruzairi Bin Abdul Rahim; A. S. M. Supa’at; Shukor Abd Razak; Mohammed Salih Mohammed Gismalla
IEEE Access
Year: 2022 | Volume: 10 | Journal Article | Publisher: IEEE
3. When Smart Cities Get Smarter via Machine Learning: An In-Depth Literature Review
Shahab S. Band; Sina Ardabili; Mehdi Sookhak; Anthony Theodore Chronopoulos; Said Elnaffar; Massoud Moslehpour; Mako Csaba; Bernat Torok; Hao-Ting Pai; Amir Mosavi
IEEE Access
Year: 2022 | Volume: 10 | Journal Article | Publisher: IEEE
4. DUET: A Framework for Building Interoperable and Trusted Digital Twins of Smart Cities
Lieven Raes; Philippe Michiels; Thomas Adolphi; Chris Tampere; Athanasios Dalianis; Susie McAleer; Pavel Kogut
IEEE Internet Computing
Year: 2022 | Volume: 26, Issue: 3 | Magazine Article | Publisher: IEEE
5. Graph Based Learning for Building Prediction in Smart Cities
Asier Garmendia-Orbegozo; Sarah Noye; Miguel Angel Anton; J. David Nuñez-Gonzalez
IEEE Access
Year: 2022 | Volume: 10 | Journal Article | Publisher: IEEE
6. An Intelligent Security Framework based on Collaborative Mutual Authentication Model for Smart City Networks
Alaa O. Khadidos; S. Shitharth; Hariprasath Manoharan; Ayman Yafoz; Adil O. Khadidos; Khaled H. Alyoubi
IEEE Access
Year: 2022 | Early Access Article | Publisher: IEEE
7. Evaluating Public Service Delivery Smartness and Impact on Citizens’ Well-Being
Fera Tri Hartanti; Jemal H. Abawajy; Morshed Chowdhury
IEEE Access
Year: 2022 | Volume: 10 | Journal Article | Publisher: IEEE
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