Nước thải công nghiệp và giải pháp xử lý nước thải
Cập nhật vào: Thứ năm - 02/11/2023 01:39
Cỡ chữ
Nước thải công nghiệp là loại nước thải sinh ra sau quá trình sản xuất công nghiệp nặng như sản xuất gang thép, sản xuất đồ điện tử… nước thải được hình thành sau các quá trình chùi rửa máy móc, hóa chất sinh ra trong quá trình sản xuất cũng như hoạt động sinh hoạt của nhân công trong các nhà máy.
Nước thải công nghiệp có thành phần hóa chất không cố định nó tùy thuộc vào từng loại hình sản xuất công nghiệp khác nhau của các doanh nghiệp, tuy nhiên phần lớn nước thải công nghiệp sẽ có các ion kim loại nặng như Fe3, Pb2, Hg2… và các loại chất rắn (hữu cơ, vô cơ, hòa tan hay không hòa tan), phootpho, nito, axit béo, clo, dầu mỡ…
Để hiểu rõ hơn Cục Thông tin khoa học và công nghệ quốc gia xin giới thiệu một số bài nghiên cứu đã được xuất bản chính thức và các bài viết được chấp nhận đăng trên những cơ sở dữ liệu học thuật chính thống.
1. Sciencedirect
1. Separation of nanoplastics from synthetic and industrial wastewater using electrolysis-assisted flotation approach: A green approach for real-time contaminant mitigation
Chemical Engineering Research and Design Available online 25 August 2023
Vishal Singh Pawak, Chandra Shekhar,Manigandan Sabapathy
2. Microbial community structure and functional prediction in five full-scale industrial park wastewater treatment plants
Science of The Total Environment 23 August 2023
Tujun Tong, Juan Tong, Yuansong Wei
3. Performance of tubular microbial fuel cells using different industrial wastewater
Journal of Water Process Engineering 19 August 2023
Abdullah Almatouq, Mohd Elmuntasir Ahmed, Ahmed Shishter
4. The synergetic action of FeVO4 and h-BN for decontamination of industrial wastewater pollutants and the assessment of phytotoxicity
Ceramics International Available online 24 August 2023
S. Sankeetha, R. Muralidharan, R. Arulmozhi
5. Magnesium oxide nanoparticles modified biochar derived from tea wastes for enhanced adsorption of o-chlorophenol from industrial wastewater
Chemosphere 29 June 2023
Thi Thu Hien Chu, Thi Minh Nguyet Tran, Huong Pham Thi
6. Brevibacterium sp. strain CS2: A potential candidate for arsenic bioremediation from industrial wastewater
Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences 18 August 2023
Shahid Sher, Muhammad Tahir Ishaq, Abdul Rehman
7. Raman spectroscopy and XRF identification: First step in industrial wastewater management
Water Resources and Industry 12 June 2023
Paweł Lochyński, Magdalena Szymańska, Justyna Kubicz
8. Full-scale partial nitritation and anammox (PN/A) application in removing nitrogen from industrial wastewater: Performance and life cycle assessment
Chemical Engineering Journal 22 July 2023
Xinyu Gao, Wei Xing, Hong Yao
9. Could we estimate industrial wastewater flows composition using the UN-ISIC classification system?
Heliyon 4 March 2023
Vicenç Acuña, Mira Celic, Maria José Farré
10. Industrial wastewater source tracing: The initiative of SERS spectral signature aided by a one-dimensional convolutional neural network
Water Research 23 January 2023
Yuting Huang, Bingxue Yuan, Zhilin Li
11. A novel membrane-integrated sustainable technology for downstream recovery of molybdenum from industrial wastewater
Resources, Conservation and Recycling 10 May 2023
Ramesh Kumar, Chengjia Liu, Byong-Hun Jeon
12. A moving bed biofilm reactor coupled with an upgraded nanocomposite polyvinylidene fluoride membrane to treat an industrial estate wastewater
Chemical Engineering Journal 15 June 2023
F. Jalali, A. A. Zinatizadeh, S. Zinadini
13. Treatment of an industrial wastewater for phosphorus and fluoride recovery by a process coupling block freeze concentration and precipitation
Journal of Crystal Growth 24 June 2023
Mouna Guessous, Anouar Rich, Mohammed Mountadar
14. Performance assessment of photo-controlled catalytic and moving biocarrier-based hybrid systems for the treatment of pharmaceuticals from municipal and industrial wastewater: Insights into influencing factors and degradation mechanisms
Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 14 May 2023
Bramha Gupta, Duduku Saidulu, Ashok Kumar Gupta
15. Bed filtration pressure drop prediction and accuracy evaluation using the Ergun equation with optimized dynamic parameters in industrial wastewater treatment
Journal of Water Process Engineering 26 May 2023
Haitao Huang, Hongpeng Ma, Wenjie Lv
16. Revealing the double-edged roles of chloride ions in Fered-Fenton treatment of industrial wastewater
Separation and Purification Technology 9 May 2023
Pan Xia, Zehong Chen, Zhihong Ye
17. A novel process for selective absorption of CO2/SO2 mixture gas with a single absorbent derived from seawater-based industrial wastewater
Desalination6 May 2023
Won Yong Choi, Dongwook Lee, Jinwon Park
18. Synthesis of CuO@TiO2 nanocomposite and its Photocatalytic and Electrochemical properties. Application for treatment of azo dyes in industrial wastewater
International Journal of Electrochemical Science Available online 10 August 2023
Rui Wang, Jiashun Cao, Yifei Zhang
19. UV and solar-based photocatalytic degradation of organic pollutants from ceramics industrial wastewater by Fe-doped ZnS nanoparticles
Chemosphere 13 June 2023
Bozhi Li, Ali H. Amin, Maadh Fawzi Nassar
20. Validation of UV/persulfate as a PFAS treatment of industrial wastewater and environmental samples
Journal of Water Process Engineering 14 March 2023
Jean Noel Uwayezu, Ivan Carabante, Jurate Kumpiene
21. A sustainable approach for industrial wastewater treatment using pomegranate seeds in flocculation-coagulation process: Optimization of COD and turbidity removal by response surface methodology (RSM)
Journal of Water Process Engineering 28 March 2023
Hessam Shabanizadeh, Mohsen Taghavijeloudar
22. An environmentally friendly approach for industrial wastewater treatment and bio-adsorption of heavy metals using Pistacia soft shell (PSS) through flocculation-adsorption process
Environmental Research 13 July 2023
Bahman NazariSaba Abdolalian, Mohsen Taghavijeloudar
23. Use of tyrosinase-inorganic salt hybrid nanoflowers and tyrosinase-MOF hybrid composites for elimination of phenolic pollutants from industrial wastewaters
Chemosphere20 January 2023
Chao-Yun Feng, Kang-Hong Wang, Zhen Yang
24. Arsenic pollution remediation mechanism and preliminary application of arsenic-oxidizing bacteria isolated from industrial wastewater
Environmental Pollution 1 March 2023
Mengmeng Zhao, Gege Zheng, Lingui Xue
25. Advanced treatment of industrial wastewater by ozonation with iron-based monolithic catalyst packing: From mechanism to application
Water Research 12 March 2023
Wenhui An, Xufang Li, Luming Ma
26. Sono-alternating current-electro-Fenton process for the removal of color, COD and determination of power consumption from distillery industrial wastewater
Separation and Purification Technology 16 May 2023
Perumal Asaithambi, Mamuye Busier Yesuf, Esayas Alemayehu
27. Quantitative analysis of silver and gold nanomaterials in industrial wastewater
Materials Today: Proceedings Available online 12 April 2023
Portia Madzivha, Bambesiwe M. May, Heidi Richards
28. Quantification of microplastics in wastewater systems of German industrial parks and their wastewater treatment plants
Science of The Total Environment 11 April 2023
Luisa Barkmann-Metaj, Felix Weber, Markus Engelhart
29. Cocoyam powder extracted from Colocasia antiquorum as a novel plant-based bioflocculant for industrial wastewater treatment: Flocculation performance and mechanism
Heliyon 5 April 2023
Ashwini Prabhakar Shende, Ramalingam Chidambaram
30. Bioaugmentation of activated sludge with the immobilized 2-mercaptobenzothiazole-degrading bacterial consortium for rubber industrial wastewater treatment
Journal of Water Process Engineering 9 August 2023
Saowaluk Krainara, Wantanasak Suksong, Ekawan Luepromchai
31. Anaerobic membrane bioreactor for carbon-neutral treatment of industrial wastewater containing N, N-dimethylformamide: Evaluation of electricity, bio-energy production and carbon emission
Environmental Research 19 October 2022
Zhe Kong, Tianwei Hao, Yong Huang
32. Research and demonstration on reclaimation of chemical industrial wastewater with high salinity and hardness and purification of reverse osmosis concentrates
Desalination 3 February 2023
Mu Liu, Zehua Li, Kai Sun
33. A sustainable approach to the degradation of dyes by fungal species isolated from industrial wastewaters: Performance, parametric optimization, kinetics and degradation mechanism
Environmental Research 7 October 2022
Roshan Gul, Priyanka Sharma, Sotirios Baskoutas
34. Molecular insights into the dissolved organic matter of leather wastewater in leather industrial park wastewater treatment plant
Science of The Total Environment 6 April 2023
Xiao-Xu Gao, Yun-Wen Wang, Nan-Qi Ren
35. Application of aquatic plants alone as well as in combination for phytoremediation of household and industrial wastewater
Journal of King Saud University - Science 22 July 2023
Mahnoor Raza, Asia Nosheen, Mohamed A. El-Sheikh
36. Chemical characterization and source attribution of organic pollutants in industrial wastewaters from a Chinese chemical industrial park
Environmental Research 23 April 2023
Yihua Huang, Yinong You, Mei Li
37. Micro-/nano- bubbles ozonation for effective industrial wastewater remediation: From lab to pilot-scale application
Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 20 August 2023
Lingling Hu, Baiyang Chen, Jun Ma
38. An optimized backpropagation neural network models for the prediction of nanomaterials concentration for purification industrial wastewater
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 21 August 2023
Aboul Ella Hassanien, Lobna M. Abouelmagd, Ashraf Darwish
39. Enhancement of adjusted solar still integrated with renewable energy: An experimental approach to recycling industrial wastewater
Materials Today: Proceedings Available online 21 July 2023
Abdeljalil Adam, Nabil Saffaj, Rachid Mamouni
40. Photocatalytic degradation of multi-organo-sulfur industrial wastewater using TiO2 produced from modified sulfate process
Journal of Water Process Engineering 17 May 2023
Harish Kuruva, Vedasri Bai Khavala, B. S. Murty
41. Application of different treatment systems for boron removal from industrial wastewater with extremely high boron content
Journal of Water Process Engineering 1 August 2023
Bihter Zeytuncu, Mehmet Emin Pasaoglu, Ismail Koyuncu
42. Efficient removal and recovery of phosphorus from industrial wastewater in the form of vivianite
Environmental Research 5 April 2023
Yangzhong Zhang, Jiafu Qin, Xiaojun Wang
43. Sustainable solar still system coupled with renewable power for industrial wastewater recycling: A review
Materials Today: Proceedings Available online 28 March 2023
Abdeljalil Adam, Nabil Saffaj, Rachid Mamouni
44. Assessment of drying conditions for storage of a yeast-based decolorization solution for application in textile industrial wastewater treatment plants
Fungal Biology 5 June 2023
Marta Mendes, Ana C. Cassoni, Manuela E. Pintado
45. A circular economy strategy for valorizing industrial saline wastewaters: Techno-economics and environmental impacts
Chemical Engineering Journal 17 July 2023
Alba Roibás-Rozas, Mateo Saavedra del Oso, Almudena Hospido
46. Performance of low flux sponge membrane bioreactor treating industrial wastewater for reuse purposes
Bioresource Technology Reports 18 April 2023
My Linh Nguyen, Thi-Dieu-Hien Vo, Xuan-Thanh Bui
47. Super-hydrophilic/super-aerophobic Ni2P/Co(PO3)2 heterostructure for high-efficiency and durable hydrogen evolution electrocatalysis at large current density in alkaline fresh water, alkaline seawater and industrial wastewater
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 13 February 2023
Meng Zhang, Wei-Zhe Chen, Yan-Qin Wang
48. Improved total organic fluorine methods for more comprehensive measurement of PFAS in industrial wastewater, river water, and air
Water Research 11 March 2023
Alexandria L. B. Forster, Ying Zhang, Susan D. Richardson
49. Carbohydrates/acid ratios drives microbial communities and metabolic pathways during biohydrogen production from fermented agro-industrial wastewater
Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 7 June 2023
Valeria Fuentes-Santiago, Idania Valdez-Vazquez, Julián Carrillo-Reyes
50. Critical role of Photo-electrode with Ce-g-C3N4 in multi-stage microbial fuel cells cascade reactor treating diluted hyper-saline industrial wastewater rich in amines
Chemosphere 29 May 2023
Zhenyu Chen, Teng Li, Lifen Liu
51. An experimental study of sunflower seed husk and zeolite as adsorbents of Ni(II) ion from industrial wastewater
Water Resources and Industry 3 June 2023
Yasaman Tadayon, Mohammad Ebrahim Bahrololoom, Sirus Javadpour
52. Industrial textile wastewater treatment using Neolamarckia cadamba NFC filter paper via cross-flow filtration system
Journal of Water Process Engineering 29 August 2023
Siti Solehah Ahmad Norrahma, Nor Hazren Abdul Hamid, Dilaeleyana Abu Bakar Sidik
Nguồn: Cục Thông tin khoa học và công nghệ quốc gia, 2/11/2023