Hệ thống nhà ở thông minh trong thành phố thông minh (Cập nhật đến ngày 7/7/2022)
Cập nhật vào: Thứ năm - 07/07/2022 10:52
Cỡ chữ
Nhà thông minh (tiếng Anh: home automation, domotics, smart home hoặc Intellihome) là kiểu nhà được lắp đặt các thiết bị điện, điện tử có thể được điều khiển hoặc tự động hoá hoặc bán tự động. Thay thế con người trong thực hiện một hoặc một số thao tác quản lý, điều khiển. Hệ thống điện tử này giao tiếp với người dùng thông qua bảng điện tử đặt trong nhà, ứng dụng trên điện thoại di động, máy tính bảng hoặc một giao diện web. Để hiểu rõ hơn Cục Thông tin khoa học và công nghệ quốc gia xin giới thiệu một số bài nghiên cứu đã được xuất bản chính thức và các bài viết được chấp nhận đăng trên những cơ sở dữ liệu học thuật chính thống.
1. Sciendriect
1. Power demand response in the context of smart home application
Energy 29 November 2021 Volume 240 (Cover date: 1 February 2022) Article 122774
Biying Yu, Feihu Sun, Lin Hu
2. SecFHome: Secure remote authentication in fog-enabled smart home environment
Computer Networks 9 February 2022 Volume 207 (Cover date: 22 April 2022) Article 108818
Yimin Guo, Zhenfeng Zhang, Yajun Guo
3. Smart but unfriendly: Connected home products as enablers of conflict
Technology in Society 11 November 2021 Volume 68 (Cover date: February 2022) Article 101808
D. D. Furszyfer Del Rio
4. The effect of multi -uncertainties on battery energy storage system sizing in smart homes
Journal of Energy Storage 15 May 2022 Volume 52, Part A (Cover date: 1 August 2022) Article 104765
Fatemeh Mohammadi, Faramarz Faghihi, Amir H. Salemi
5. Nurse-in-the-loop smart home detection of health events associated with diagnosed chronic conditions: A case-event series
International Journal of Nursing Studies Advances 25 May 2022 Volume 4 (Cover date: December 2022) Article 100081
Roschelle Fritz, Katherine Wuestney, Diane J. Cook
6. Towards Context-aware Power Forecasting in Smart-homes
Procedia Computer Science 26 January 2022 Volume 198 (Cover date: 2022) Pages 243-248
Emanuele Cuncu, Marco Manolo Manca, Daniele Riboni
7. The role of the humanisation of smart home speakers in the personalisation–privacy paradox
Electronic Commerce Research and Applications 28 March 2022 Volume 53 (Cover date: May–June 2022) Article 101146
Natalia Lavado-Nalvaiz, Laura Lucia-Palacios, Raúl Pérez-López
8. Mapping two decades of smart home research: A systematic scientometric analysis
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 8 April 2022 Volume 179 (Cover date: June 2022) Article 121676
Wenda Li, Tan Yigitcanlar, Isil Erol
9. Flexibility Potential of a Smart Home to Provide TSO-DSO-level Services
Electric Power Systems Research 31 December 2021 Volume 205 (Cover date: April 2022) Article 107767
Hosna Khajeh, Hooman Firoozi, Hannu Laaksonen
10. Secure and efficient two-party collaborative SM9 signature scheme suitable for smart home
Journal of King Saud University - Computer and Information Sciences 18 May 2022 Volume 34, Issue 7 (Cover date: July 2022) Pages 4022-4030
Shuang Gen Liu, Ru Liu, Si Yuan Rao
11. Fusion-based learning for stress recognition in smart home: An IoMT framework
Building and Environment 31 March 2022 Volume 216 (Cover date: 15 May 2022) Article 108988
Khosro Rezaee, Xuan Yang, Gwanggil Jeon
12. iSecureHome: A deep fusion framework for surveillance of smart homes using real-time emotion recognition
Applied Soft Computing 6 April 2022 Volume 122 (Cover date: June 2022) Article 108788
Harshit Kaushik, Tarun Kumar, Kriti Bhalla
13. Access control and surveillance in a smart home
High-Confidence Computing 8 September 2021 Volume 2, Issue 1 (Cover date: March 2022) Article 100036
Cristina Stolojescu-Crisan, Calin Crisan, Bogdan-Petru Butunoi
14. Hierarchically designed nanocomposites for triboelectric nanogenerator toward biomechanical energy harvester and smart home system
Nano Energy 10 February 2022 Volume 95 (Cover date: May 2022) Article 107047
Zhipeng Zheng, Jiaoyuan Xia, Yiping Guo
15. A VR-based CAD 3D Modeling System for Smart Home Products
Microprocessors and Microsystems Available online 17 March 2022In press, journal pre-proof Article 104499
Jianyi Li, Sang-Yun Han, Zhijiu Han
16. Analysis of energy management schemes for renewable-energy-based smart homes against the backdrop of COVID-19
Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 20 March 2022 Volume 52, Part B (Cover date: August 2022) Article 102136
Sara Ayub, Shahrin Md Ayob, M. Z. Daud
17. Optimization scheduling of home appliances in smart home: A model based on a niche technology with sharing mechanism
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 26 March 2022 Volume 141 (Cover date: October 2022) Article 108126
Qing Lu, Qisheng Guo, Wei Zeng
18. Suitable various-goal energy management system for smart home based on photovoltaic generator and electric vehicles
Journal of Building Engineering 8 April 2022 Volume 52 (Cover date: 15 July 2022) Article 104430
Marwa Ben Arab, Mouna Rekik, Lotfi Krichen
19. Flexible smart home design: Case study to design future smart home prototypes
Ain Shams Engineering Journal 20 June 2021 Volume 13, Issue 1 (Cover date: January 2022) Article 101513
Raz Kamaran Radha
20. Trust aware energy management system for smart homes appliances
Computers & Electrical Engineering 8 December 2021 Volume 97 (Cover date: January 2022) Article 107641
Kashif Naseer Qureshi, Adi Alhudhaif, Gwanggil Jeon
21. Enabling automation and edge intelligence over resource constraint IoT devices for smart home
Neurocomputing 3 November 2021 Volume 491 (Cover date: 28 June 2022) Pages 494-506
Mansoor Nasir, Khan Muhammad, Muhammad Sajjad
22. A sustainable framework for multi-microgrids energy management in automated distribution network by considering smart homes and high penetration of renewable energy resources
Energy 19 January 2022 Volume 245 (Cover date: 15 April 2022) Article 123228
S. A. Mansouri, A. Ahmarinejad, J. P. S. Catalão
23. Reliability analysis of smart home sensor systems subject to competing failures
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 14 January 2022 Volume 221 (Cover date: May 2022) Article 108327
Chaonan Wang, Qiongyang Liu, Min Yu
24. Pave the way for sustainable smart homes: A reliable hybrid AC/DC electricity infrastructure
Electric Power Systems Research 2 June 2022 Volume 210 (Cover date: September 2022) Article 108128
Chenour Ardalan, Vahid Vahidinasab, João P. S. Catalão
25. Fuzzy temporal convolutional neural networks in P300-based Brain–computer interface for smart home interaction
Applied Soft Computing 30 December 2021 Volume 117 (Cover date: March 2022) Article 108359
Christian Flores Vega, Jonathan Quevedo, Javier Andreu-Perez
2. Springer
1. Smart Home Tracking: A Smart Home Architecture for Smart Energy Consumption in a Residence with Multiple Users
Sérgio H. M. S. Andrade, Gustavo O. Contente… in Wireless Personal Communications (2022)
2. A user-guided personalization methodology to facilitate new smart home occupancy
S. M. Murad Ali, Juan Carlos Augusto… in Universal Access in the Information Society (2022)
3. Chinese adult segmentation according to health skills and analysis of their use for smart home: a cross-sectional national survey
Feiying He, Yibo Wu, Jiao Yang, Keer Chen, Jingyu Xie… in BMC Health Services Research (2022)
4. Tracking eye-gaze in smart home systems (SHS): first insights from eye-tracking and self-report measures
Federico Cassioli, Laura Angioletti… in Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humani… (2022)
5. Hybrid multi-verse optimizer with grey wolf optimizer for power scheduling problem in smart home using IoT
Sharif Naser Makhadmeh, Ammar Kamal Abasi… in The Journal of Supercomputing (2022)
6. Artificial intelligent system for multimedia services in smart home environments
Albert Rego, Pedro Luis González Ramírez, Jose M. Jimenez… in Cluster Computing (2022)
7. DTMFTalk: a DTMF-Based Realization of IoT Remote Control for Smart-Home Elderly Care
Shun-Ren Yang, Shih-Chun Yuan, Yi-Chun Lin, I-Fen Yang in Mobile Networks and Applications (2022)
8. Developing Smart Home Applications
Yun-Wei Lin, Sheng-Kai Tseng, Jyun-Kai Liao… in Mobile Networks and Applications (2022)
9. ApplianceNet: a neural network based framework to recognize daily life activities and behavior in smart home using smart plugs
Muhammad Fahim, S. M. Ahsan Kazmi, Asad Masood Khattak in Neural Computing and Applications (2022)
10. Development of Video Encryption Scheme Based on Quantum Controlled Dense Coding Using GHZ State for Smart Home Scenario
Hongyang Ma, Yulin Ma, Wenbin Zhang, Xiaolong Zhao… in Wireless Personal Communications (2022)
11. Smart home modification design strategies for ageing in place: a systematic review
Chuan Ma, Olivia Guerra-Santin… in Journal of Housing and the Built Environme… (2022)
12. How consumers’ adopting intentions towards eco-friendly smart home services are shaped? An extended technology acceptance model
Wenqing Zhang, Liangliang Liu in The Annals of Regional Science (2022)
13. Human auditory model based real-time smart home acoustic event monitoring
Sujoy Mondal, Abhirup Das Barman in Multimedia Tools and Applications (2022)
14. A Smart Home Power Supervision Strategy Based on Optimal Plug-in Electric Vehicles Integration into Smart City Context for Peak Loads Profiles Flattening
Siwar Khemakhem, Mouna Rekik, Lotfi Krichen in Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering (2022)
15. An advanced smart home energy management system considering identification of ADLs based on non-intrusive load monitoring
Yu-Hsiu Lin in Electrical Engineering (2022)
Theo Cục Thông tin khoa học và công nghệ quốc gia, 7/7/2022