Công nghệ bê tông tiên tiến (Cập nhật đến ngày 21/4/2023)
Cập nhật vào: Thứ sáu - 21/04/2023 00:02
Cỡ chữ
Công nghệ thi công lắp đặt khuôn đúc (cốp pha) cột, vách, dầm và và sàn cùng lúc và đổ bê tông toàn bộ cùng một lần (công nghệ đúc bê tông kết cấu một lần hay công nghệ thi công bê tông toàn khối một đợt). Trình tự thi công gồm: Lắp buộc cốt thép cột, vách cứng –> đặt các đường ống chôn sẵn trong cột và vách cứng –> dựng khuôn đúc cột, vách cứng, dầm, sàn –> đổ bê tông cột, vách, dầm và sàn –> bảo dưỡng bê tông –> sau khi cường độ đạt yêu cầu, tháo dỡ khuôn đúc cột, vách, dầm, sàn. Trong công nghệ này, do trên đầu cột (hay vách) cốt thép của dầm chính, dầm phụ và sàn đan dầy đặc che lấp, khiến việc đổ bê tông cột không thể tiến hành theo phương pháp rút ống được, nên thường phải để cửa đổ bê tông ở lưng chừng chiều cao cốp pha cột (hay tường) để giảm chiều cao rơi tự do của vữa bê tông tươi xuống còn 1,5-2,0 m < 2,5 m (tránh hiện tượng phân tầng). Để hiểu rõ hơn Cục Thông tin khoa học và công nghệ quốc gia xin giới thiệu một số bài nghiên cứu đã được xuất bản chính thức và các bài viết được chấp nhận đăng trên những cơ sở dữ liệu học thuật chính thống.
1. Sciencedirect
1. Environmental profile of 3D concrete printing technology in desert areas via life cycle assessment
Journal of Cleaner Production 13 February 2023 Volume 396 (Cover date: 10 April 2023) Article 136412
Ruo-Chen Zhang, Li Wang, Guo-Wei Ma
2. A systematic review and assessment of concrete strength prediction models
Case Studies in Construction Materials 4 January 2023 Volume 18 (Cover date: July 2023) Article e01830
Mylvaganam Nithurshan, Yogarajah Elakneswaran
3. The role of iron in cement hydration process: From perspective of chemical admixture
Thermochimica Acta 10 February 2023 Volume 722 (Cover date: April 2023) Article 179457
Hao Zhang, Song Mu, Jinxiang Hong
4. Predicting the evolution of static yield stress with time of blended cement paste through a machine learning approach
Construction and Building Materials 28 February 2023 Volume 371 (Cover date: 31 March 2023) Article 130632
Ivan Navarrete, Iván La Fé-Perdomo, Mauricio Lopez
5. Approach for sustainability assessment for footbridge construction technologies: Application to the first world D-shape 3D-Printed fiber-reinforced mortar footbridge in Madrid
Journal of Cleaner Production 7 February 2023 Volume 394 (Cover date: 25 March 2023) Article 136369
Oriol Pons-Valladares, Maria del Mar Casanovas-Rubio, Albert de la Fuente
6. Structural assessment of modular precast 3D cell mid- to high-rise buildings with different connections
Procedia Structural Integrity 9 February 2023 Volume 44 (Cover date: 2023) Pages 1068-1075
Bruno Dal Lago, Luca Volpe, Enrico Papa
7. A new eco-friendly concrete made of high content phosphogypsum based aggregates and binder: Mechanical properties and environmental benefits
Journal of Cleaner Production 7 March 2023 Volume 400 (Cover date: 10 May 2023) Article 136555
Tao Sun, Wanmin Li, Dong Xu
8. The current status and challenges of biomass biorefineries in Africa: A critical review and future perspectives for bioeconomy development
Science of The Total Environment 3 February 2023 Volume 870 (Cover date: 20 April 2023) Article 162001
Saloua Fertahi, Doha Elalami, Abdellatif Barakat
9. Revolutionary integrated cool roofing technologies system for attic temperature reduction in buildings
Case Studies in Construction Materials 6 February 2023 Volume 18 (Cover date: July 2023) Article e01921
Mun Ling Ho, Ming Chian Yew, Zi Cong Yong
10. Durability assessment of LC3-based reinforced concrete under combined chloride-sulfate environment via the EIS technique
Construction and Building Materials 27 December 2022 Volume 366 (Cover date: 22 February 2023) Article 130194
Aadil Ejbouh, Adil Ech-chebab, Mohamed Ebn Touhami
11. Strength and durability of concrete by partial replacement of cement by fly ash and fine aggregates by granite dust
Materials Today: Proceedings Available online 6 April 2023 In press, corrected proof
B. Damodhara Reddy, M. Mohan Babu, K. Hemanth Kumar
12. Effect of concrete surface roughness on shear strength of frozen soil–concrete interface based on 3D printing technology
Construction and Building Materials 28 December 2022 Volume 366 (Cover date: 22 February 2023) Article 130158
Ruichang Fang, Boxin Wang, Xianzhang Ling
13. Effect of different environments on the self-healing performance of Ultra High-Performance Concrete – A systematic literature review
Construction and Building Materials 10 March 2023 Volume 374 (Cover date: 17 April 2023) Article 130946
Bin Xi, Salam Al-Obaidi, Liberato Ferrara
14. Machine learning-based models for predicting the shear strength of synthetic fiber reinforced concrete beams without stirrups
Structures 7 April 2023 Volume 52 (Cover date: June 2023) Pages 299-311
Ghassan Almasabha, Khaled F. Al-Shboul, Odey Alshboul
15. Concrete implantable bar enabled smart sensing technology for structural health monitoring
Cement and Concrete Composites 15 March 2023 Volume 139 (Cover date: May 2023) Article 105035
Ziqian Yang, Yang Lim Qingzhao Kong
16. Utilization of magnetized water in steel fibre reinforced concrete
Materials Today: Proceedings 5 December 2022 Volume 72, Part 6 (Cover date: 2023) Pages 3183-3185
P. Preethi, N. Balasundaram, S. Pratheba
17. Robotic 3D printing of concrete building components for residential buildings in Saudi Arabia
Automation in Construction 27 January 2023 ...
Mohammad Alabbasi, Asterios Agkathidis, Hanmei Chen
18. A review of “3D concrete printing”: Materials and process characterization, economic considerations and environmental sustainability
Journal of Building Engineering 10 January 2023 Volume 66 (Cover date: 1 May 2023) Article 105863
Ghafur H. Ahmed
19. Rate dependent behaviour of 3D printed ultra-high performance fibre-reinforced concrete under dynamic splitting tensile
Composite Structures 21 January 2023 Volume 309 (Cover date: 1 April 2023) Article 116727
Yekai Yang, Chengqing Wu, Zhongxian Liu
20. A review on CO2 capture and sequestration in the construction industry: Emerging approaches and commercialised technologies
Journal of CO2 Utilization 11 November 2022 Volume 67 (Cover date: January 2023) Article 102292
Mohd Hanifa, R. Agarwal, L. P. Singh
21. Generative design for more economical and environmentally sustainable reinforced concrete structures
Journal of Cleaner Production 31 December 2022 Volume 387 (Cover date: 10 February 2023) Article 135829
Fatima Alsakka, Angela Haddad, Farook Hamzeh
22. Extrusion nozzle design and print parameter selections for 3D concrete printing
Cement and Concrete Composites 10 January 2023 Volume 137 (Cover date: March 2023) Article 104939
Nan Zhang, Jay Sanjayan
23. Spiral tube solar water heating computational analysis with concrete absorber: A CFD approach
Materials Today: Proceedings Available online 6 March 2023 In press, corrected proof
M. Edwin, M. C. Eniyan, A. Jemila Percy
24. Early strength development assessment of concrete produced from cement replaced with nano silica activated Corn Cob Ash
Materials Today: Proceedings Available online 24 February 2023 In press, corrected proof
J. R. Oluremi, A. A. Raheem, A. A. Moshood
25. Investigation on electrochemical repair of reinforced concrete structure cracks and their bonding performance
Alexandria Engineering Journal 2 November 2022 Volume 66 (Cover date: 1 March 2023) Pages 701-706
Shiwei Zhao, Jianhong Guo
26. An implantable module device for crack imaging using concrete-adapted time reversal imaging algorithm
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 14 March 2023 Volume 194 (Cover date: 1 July 2023) Article 110266
Ziqian Yang, Qingjun Chen, Qingzhao Kong
27. Enhancing the performance of alkali-activated material based coral concrete through microbubble aeration clean technology
Composites Part B: Engineering 11 January 2023 Volume 252 (Cover date: 1 March 2023) Article 110519
Xingyao Wang, Aiguo Wang, Daosheng Sun
28. Towards a model for structural performance in concrete printing based on buildability and toolpath design
Journal of Building Engineering 18 March 2023 Volume 69 (Cover date: 15 June 2023) Article 106325
Gonçalo Duarte, José Pinto Duarte, Juan Pablo Gevaudan
29. Experimental study on time dependent behaviour of coarse aggregate concrete mixture for 3D construction printing
Construction and Building Materials 20 March 2023 Volume 376 (Cover date: 2 May 2023) Article 130999
Arnošt Vespalec, Jan Podroužek, Daniel Koutný
30. Experimental study on the in-plane response of cast-in-situ reinforced concrete sandwich walls under combined vertical and horizontal load
Procedia Structural Integrity 9 February 2023 Volume 44 (Cover date: 2023) Pages 774-781
Paolino Cassese, Carlos Riascos, A. Bonati
31. Mechanical properties characteristics of high strength concrete exposed to low vacuum environment
Journal of Building Engineering 29 October 2022 Volume 63, Part A (Cover date: 1 January 2023) Article 105438
Minghui Shangguan, Youjun Xie, Mengjing Liu
32. Experimental and numerical assessments of new concrete dry connections concerning potentials of robotic CNC manufacturing technique
Engineering Structures 1 February 2023 Volume 280 (Cover date: 1 April 2023) Article 115605
Abtin Baghdadi, Lukas Ledderose, Harald Kloft
33. The influence of environmental factors and precipitation precursors on enzyme-induced carbonate precipitation (EICP) process and its application on modification of recycled concrete aggregates
Journal of Cleaner Production 16 February 2023 Volume 395 (Cover date: 1 April 2023) Article 136444
Dezhi Xie, Rui Zhang, Jianyun Wang
34. Microwave heating efficiency and frost resistance of concrete modified with powder absorbing materials
Construction and Building Materials 3 April 2023 Volume 379 (Cover date: 23 May 2023) Article 131145
Zhihang Wang, Erlei Bai, He Huang
35. Experimental and numerical study on the microstructure and chloride ion transport behavior of concrete-to-concrete interface
Construction and Building Materials 7 January 2023 Volume 367 (Cover date: 27 February 2023) Article 130317
Jin Xia, Keyu Chen, Weiliang Jin
36. Effect of multilayer casting technology of self-compacting concrete slabs on the load-bearing capacity of a layer-to-layer joint
Journal of Building Engineering 9 December 2022 Volume 64 (Cover date: 1 April 2023) Article 105655
Piotr Dybeł, Milena Kucharska
37. Pull-out behavior and damage assessment of core concrete of Full-scale prestressed High-strength hollow square piles
Structures 3 April 2023 Volume 51 (Cover date: May 2023) Pages 1906-1918
Wenlei Xu, Hailin Miao, Yuzhi Chen
38. Corroded reinforced concrete columns strengthened with basalt fibre reinforced ECC under axial compression
Composite Structures 13 October 2022 Volume 303 (Cover date: 1 January 2023) Article 116328
Na Li, Wangpeng Li, Shan Li
39. Experimental and numerical investigation on flexural behavior of concrete beams strengthened by different NSM tendons
Composite Structures 21 March 2023 Volume 313 (Cover date: 1 June 2023) Article 116947
Jiao Huang, Guohua Xing, Zhaoqun Chang
40. Experimental and numerical investigations on damage evolution of concrete under sulfate attack and freeze-thaw cycles
Journal of Building Engineering Available online 6 April 2023 In press, journal pre-proof Article 106469
Lei Gan, Weichao Xu, Guanyun Chen
41. Bacteria-based self-healing concrete exposed to frost salt scaling
Cement and Concrete Composites 10 March 2023 Volume 139 (Cover date: May 2023) Article 105016
Vanessa Giaretton Cappellesso, Tim Van Mullem, Nele De Belie
42. Compressive behavior of 3D printed concrete with different printing paths and concrete ages
Case Studies in Construction Materials 23 February 2023 Volume 18 (Cover date: July 2023) Article e01949
Zuanfeng Pan, Doudou Si, Jianzhuang Xiao
43. Reconstruction of the meso-scale concrete model using a deep convolutional generative adversarial network (DCGAN)
Construction and Building Materials 16 February 2023 Volume 370 (Cover date: 17 March 2023) Article 130704
Yifan Liu, Jie Zhang, Zhihua Wang
44. Prediction of long-term prestress loss for prestressed concrete cylinder structures using machine learning
Engineering Structures 21 January 2023 Volume 279 (Cover date: 15 March 2023) Article 115577
Hang Zhang, Quan-Quan Guo, Li-Yan Xu
45. Deformation characteristics of the shear band of silty clay–concrete interface under the influence of freeze–thaw
Cold Regions Science and Technology 13 December 2022 Volume 206 (Cover date: February 2023) Article 103750
Jingjing Pan, Boxin Wang, Zihao Wang
46. Investigation of fresh & hardened properties of concrete manufactured with magnetically treated water
Materials Today: Proceedings Available online 8 April 2023 In press, corrected proof
P. A. Nadgouda, Y. D. Kumbhar, D. B. Mane
47. Application of microbial mineralization technology for marine concrete crack repair: A review
Journal of Building Engineering 15 March 2023 Volume 69 (Cover date: 15 June 2023) Article 106299
Qi Fan, Liang Fan, Wolfgang Sand
48. Debonding detection of defected CFRP-concrete interface using active microwave thermography
Composite Structures 1 February 2023 Volume 310 (Cover date: 15 April 2023) Article 116753
Xingxing Zou, Lesley H. Sneed, Kristen Donnell
Nguồn: Cục Thông tin khoa học và công nghệ quốc gia, 21/4/2023