Tổng hợp các bài nghiên cứu mới nhất về Trí tuệ nhân tạo (AI)
Cập nhật vào: Thứ năm - 08/07/2021 00:07
Cỡ chữ
Trí tuệ nhân tạo (Artificial intelligence - viết tắt là AI) là trí tuệ do con người lập trình tạo nên với mục tiêu giúp máy tính có thể tự động hóa các hành vi thông minh như con người. Trí tuệ nhân tạo khác với việc lập trình logic trong các ngôn ngữ lập trình là ở việc ứng dụng các hệ thống học máy (machine learning) để mô phỏng trí tuệ của con người trong các xử lý mà con người làm tốt hơn máy tính.
Công nghệ AI được chia làm 4 loại chính:
+ Loại 1: Công nghệ AI phản ứng.
+ Loại 2: Công nghệ AI với bộ nhớ hạn chế
+ Loại 3: Lý thuyết trí tuệ nhân tạo
+ Loại 4: Tự nhận thức
Cục Thông tin KH&CN quốc gia trân trọng kính gửi đến các nhà khoa học những nghiên cứu mới nhất về Artificial intelligence trên thế giới bao gồm những bài viết đã được xuất bản chính thức và các bài viết được chấp nhận đăng trên những cơ sở dữ liệu học thuật chính thống năm 2021.
IEEE Xplore Digital Library
1. Introduction of a 5G-Enabled Architecture for the Realization of Industry 4.0 Use Cases
Michael Gundall; Mathias Strufe; Hans D. Schotten; Peter Rost; Christian Markwart; Rolf Blunk; Arne Neumann; Jan Grießbach; Markus Aleksy; Dirk Wübben IEEE Access Year: 2021 | Volume: 9 | Journal Article | Publisher: IEEE
2. Multi-Objective Optimal Operation of Centralized Battery Swap Charging System with Photovoltaic
Yuanzheng Li; Yihan Cai; Tianyang Zhao; Yun Liu; Jian Wang; Lei Wu; Yong Zhao Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy Year: 2021 | Early Access Article | Publisher: SGEPRI
3. Artificial Intelligence-Based Assessment System for Evaluating Suitable Range of Heel Height
Si-Huei Lee; Bor-Shing Lin; Hsiang-Chen Lee; Xiao-Wei Huang; Ya-Chu Chi; Bor-Shyh Lin; Kaoru Abe
IEEE Access Year: 2021 | Volume: 9 | Journal Article | Publisher: IEEE
4. Grasshopper Optimization Algorithm: Theory, Variants, and Applications Yassine Meraihi; Asma Benmessaoud Gabis; Seyedali Mirjalili; Amar Ramdane-Cherif IEEE Access
Year: 2021 | Early Access Article | Publisher: IEEE
5. Z-Inspection®: A Process to Assess Trustworthy AI Roberto V. Zicari; John Brodersen; James Brusseau; Boris Düdder; Timo Eichhorn; Todor Ivanov; Georgios Kararigas; Pedro Kringen; Melissa McCullough; Florian Möslein; Naveed Mushtaq; Gemma Roig; Norman Stürtz; Karsten Tolle; Jesmin Jahan Tithi; Irmhild van Halem; Magnus Westerlund
IEEE Transactions on Technology and Society
Year: 2021 | Early Access Article | Publisher: IEEE
6. A Comprehensive Survey of the Internet of Things (IoT) and AI-Based Smart Healthcare
Fatima Alshehri; Ghulam Muhammad IEEE Access Year: 2021 | Volume: 9 | Journal
Article | Publisher: IEEE
7. Hybrid recommender system for tourism based on big data and AI: A conceptual framework
Khalid Al Fararni; Fouad Nafis; Badraddine Aghoutane; Ali Yahyaouy; Jamal Riffi; Abdelouahed Sabri
Big Data Mining and Analytics
Year: 2021 | Volume: 4, Issue: 1 | Journal Article | Publisher: TUP
8.Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Things Enabled Disease Diagnosis Model for Smart Healthcare Systems
Romany F. Mansour; Adnen El Amraoui; Issam Nouaouri; Vicente García Díaz; Deepak Gupta; Sachin Kumar
IEEE Access
Year: 2021 | Early Access Article | Publisher: IEEE
9. Cascading and Enhanced Residual Networks for Accurate Single-Image Super-Resolution
Rushi Lan; Long Sun; Zhenbing Liu; Huimin Lu; Zhixun Su; Cheng Pang; Xiaonan Luo
IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics
Year: 2021 | Volume: 51, Issue: 1 | Journal Article | Publisher: IEEE
10. A Data-Driven Approach With Uncertainty Quantification for Predicting Future Capacities and Remaining Useful Life of Lithium-ion Battery
Kailong Liu; Yunlong Shang; Quan Ouyang; Widanalage Dhammika Widanage
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics
Year: 2021 | Volume: 68, Issue: 4 | Journal Article | Publisher: IEEE
1. Classification by ordinal sums of conjunctive and disjunctive functions for explainable AI and interpretable machine learning solutions
Knowledge-Based Systems, 2 March 2021, Volume 220 (Cover date: 23 May 2021), Article 106916
Miroslav Hudec, Erika Mináriková, Andreas Holzinger
2. Potential-based multiobjective reinforcement learning approaches to low-impact agents for AI safety
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 4 February 2021, Volume 100 (Cover date: April 2021), Article 104186
Peter Vamplew, Cameron Foale, Adam Bignold
3. AI-assistance for predictive maintenance of renewable energy systems
Energy,6 January 2021, Volume 221 (Cover date: 15 April 2021), Article 119775
Won Shin, Jeongyun Han, Wonjong Rhee
4. Tracking innovation diffusion: AI analysis of large-scale patent data towards an agenda for further research
Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 4 January 2021, Volume 165 (Cover date: April 2021), Article 120524
Ashkan Fredström, Joakim Wincent, Vinit Parida
5. A predictive decision-aid device to warn firefighters of catastrophic temperature increases using an AI-based time-series algorithm
Safety Science, 5 March 2021, Volume 138 (Cover date: June 2021), Article 105237
David James Garrity, Syed Adnan Yusuf
6. GLocalX - From Local to Global Explanations of Black Box AI Models
Artificial Intelligence, 22 January 2021, Volume 294 (Cover date: May 2021), Article 103457
Mattia Setzu, Riccardo Guidotti, Fosca Giannotti
7. Alexa, do voice assistants influence consumer brand engagement? – Examining the role of AI powered voice assistants in influencing consumer brand engagement
Journal of Business Research, 15 December 2020, Volume 124 (Cover date: January 2021), Pages 312-328
Graeme McLean, Kofi Osei-Frimpong, Jennifer Barhorst
8. Discerning Primary and Secondary Delays in Railway Networks using Explainable AI
Transportation Research Procedia, 3 February 2021, Volume 52 (Cover date: 2021), Pages 171-178
David Rößler, Julian Reisch, Natalia Kliewer
9. Light-weight AI and IoT collaboration for surveillance video pre-processing
Journal of Systems Architecture, 18 November 2020, Volume 114 (Cover date: March 2021), Article 101934
Yutong Liu, Linghe Kong, Zhanquan Wang
10. Artificial Intelligence (AI): Multidisciplinary perspectives on emerging challenges, opportunities, and agenda for research, practice and policy
International Journal of Information Management, 27 August 2019, Volume 57 (Cover date: April 2021), Article 101994
Yogesh K. Dwivedi, Laurie Hughes, Michael D. Williams
1. Where is the human got to go? Artificial intelligence, machine learning, big data, digitalisation, and human–robot interaction in Industry 4.0 and 5.0
Joachim Vogt in AI & SOCIETY (2021)
2. Can artificial intelligence reduce the interval cancer rate in mammography screening?
Kristina Lång, Solveig Hofvind, Alejandro Rodríguez-Ruiz… in European Radiology (2021)
3. Artificial Intelligence and the Internet of Things in Industry 4.0
Petar Radanliev, David De Roure… in CCF Transactions on Pervasive Computing and Interaction (2021)
4. A novel artificial intelligence automatic detection framework to increase reliability of PLT gas bubble sensing
Klemens Katterbauer, Alberto F. Marsala… in Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production (2021)
5. Automated detection of colorectal tumors based on artificial intelligence
Kwang-Sig Lee, Sang-Hyuk Son, Sang-Hyun Park… in BMC Medical Informatics and Decision
Making (2021)
6. Reporting guidelines for clinical trials of artificial intelligence interventions: the SPIRIT-AI and CONSORT-AI guidelines
Hussein Ibrahim, Xiaoxuan Liu, Samantha Cruz Rivera, David Moher, An-Wen Chan… in Trials (2021)
7. ASFP (Artificial Intelligence based Scoring Function Platform): a web server for the development of customized scoring functions
Xujun Zhang, Chao Shen, Xueying Guo, Zhe Wang, Gaoqi Weng… in Journal of
Cheminformatics (2021)
8. A comparison between manual and artificial intelligence–based automatic positioning in CT imaging for COVID-19 patients
Yadong Gang, Xiongfeng Chen, Huan Li, Hanlun Wang, Jianying Li… in European Radiology (2021)
9. Artificial intelligence-aided CT segmentation for body composition analysis: a validation study
Pablo Borrelli, Reza Kaboteh, Olof Enqvist… in European Radiology Experimental (2021)
10. Novel coronavirus (COVID-19) diagnosis using computer vision and artificial intelligence techniques: a review
Anuja Bhargava, Atul Bansal in Multimedia Tools and Applications (2021)
11. Using Artificial Intelligence for Safe and Effective Wildfire Evacuations
Xilei Zhao, Ruggiero Lovreglio, Erica Kuligowski, Daniel Nilsson in Fire Technology (2021)
Nguồn: Cục Thông tin KH&CN Quốc gia, 5/7/2021